Tomato sorbet
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Tomato sorbet

Try something new at your next dinner party. Surprise your guests with this tomato sorbet as a starter! Ready in about 40 minutes.

40 minutes
6 persons
Tomato sorbet ingredients

Recipe tomato sorbet


6 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2015-06-25, this recipe is for 6 persons persons and takes 40 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
30 minutes
Total time
40 minutes

Preparation – 10 minutes

Cut the tomatoes in quarters and transfer them to the blender or food processor. Add a tablespoon of powdered sugar, the fresh basil leaves and the vodka. Blend until smooth and season with pepper, salt and a few drops of tabasco.

Press the mixture through a fine sieve, this goes best with a large spoon or a ladle. Have another taste if the mixture needs any more flavouring.  

Tomato sorbet
Tomato sorbet

Making the tomato sorbet – 30 minutes

Place the tomato sorbet mixture into your ice cream maker. In about 30 minutes, the sorbet will be frozen enough. The time will depend on the ice cream maker, we've used a magimix la turbine a glace.

Scoop the sorbet into an airtight container and transfer it to the freezer. It can be used for up to 3 weeks. Tomato sorbet can be great as a starter or use as an addition to a starter.  

For example with some lettuce, balsamic vinegar and cucumber. Enjoy your tomato sorbet!

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