
Tag: parmesan

This page shows recipes, articles, pages and blogs that are tagged with: parmesan

Potato soup

30 minutes 4 people

You can make this comforting potato soup with ingredients you probably already have at home! This recipe is for 4 people, and is ready in half an hour.

Crispy Parmesan chicken

20 minutes 4 people

This is a very simple recipe for crispy Parmesan chicken. Ready in just 20 minutes, this recipe serves 4 people. Delicious with potatoes and a salad.

Risotto stuffed peppers

45 minutes 6 people

These quick and easy risotto stuffed peppers can be served as a starter or as a side dish. This dish serves up to 6 people, and is ready within 45 minutes.

Pasta penne with bolognese sauce

30 minutes 4 people

Grab a quick bite to eat with this easy-to-cook Italian pasta penne with bolognese sauce ready in half an hour.