
About Ohmydish

Who is behind the website? We are Marco and Véronique, both 35 years old. We are from The Netherlands, but emigrated to the south of France in December 2017, settling in the department of the Gers (32).

Here we have a substantial kitchen garden and a large orchard of fruit and nut trees. Seasonal ingredients are fundamental to our cooking. Good food is very important to us, which is one of the reasons why France is such a perfect fit for us both. You will begin to see an increasing number of recipes from this region appearing on the website, but rest assured that we will continue to publish recipes from all over the globe.

Veronique from Ohmydish

Véronique: I’m a qualified, professional chef. After many enjoyable years of working as a chef, I unfortunately had to leave the industry due to shoulder surgery. However, I can share all my cooking knowledge and passion with you on Ohmydish!

Follow Véronique on Instagram

Marco from Ohmydish

Marco: I'm a full time web developer, and make sure everything keeps working on the site. A part-time Photoshop fanatic, I also provide a dedicated leftovers disposal service. I eat everything except avocados and the devil's herb coriander / cilantro.

Ohmydish crew

James from Ohmydish

James: Head of translation since 2022, he makes sure our recipes are translated into English world wide! Vegetarian, owns the biggest dog in the world (Pyrenean Mountain Dog), and lives and breathes food and culture. Loves Indian food, hates aubergine.

Follow James on Instagram

In numbers

  • Created: 2014
  • Average amount of visitors over the past 3 months: ~20.217
  • Total newsletter subscriptions: 892
  • Total recipes: 1.889
  • Total blog posts: 255
  • Total pages: 24
  • Total votes: 4.076
  • Total answers to cooking questions: 1
  • Total categories: 528
  • Total tags: 8.297
  • Total profiles: 123
  • Total collections: 13
  • Total saved recipes: 69

Any questions or comments?

You can always reach us by using our contact form. We usually respond within 48 hours. All comments, tips and questions are welcome!