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Hi! My name is Véronique, I am from the Netherlands and I live in the South of France. Passion for cooking, my vegetable garden, sharing recipes and our three dogs!
Ohmydish has been around since 2014 and I post a new recipe or kitchen-related content at least 5x a week. The recipes on Ohmydish are not specifically healthy, vegan, easy or cheap but are all made with love and passion. I hope you enjoy my recipes and other content! Contact us
We have different recipe ideas ready for you, so you can get inspiration for dinner. For the recipe of the day, we have chosen this delicious Spanish iced coffee for you. This Spanish iced coffee is also called café frío, which literally translates to "cold coffee." Café con hielo means coffee with ice cubes, and it’s especially delicious with, among other things, milk. View full recipe
Prepare a cup of double espresso, preferably with a little more water than usual, about 100 ml (or 3 oz) of water.
Stir 1 or 2 teaspoons of condensed milk into the warm espresso until it dissolves. The amount depends on how sweet you want your iced coffee.
You can now blend the espresso with about 50 ml of milk until it becomes frothy, or froth the milk separately until it’s nice and foamy. You can also add the milk without frothing.
Fill a large glass with a good handful of ice cubes and pour the espresso over them.
Since 2014 the tastiest recipes from all over the world! Completely free.
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