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We have different recipe ideas ready for you, so you can get inspiration for dinner. For the recipe of the day, we have chosen this delicious Oven-baked ravioli for you. This oven-baked ravioli is an ideal weekday dish for when you don't have much time to cook. With a tasty tomato sauce, fresh basil and mozzarella. View full recipe

Oven-baked ravioli
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Oven-baked ravioli

35 minutes
6 persons


6 persons
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Let's get started

Fill a large saucepan with water and bring to a boil.

Wash the peppers and cut them into small pieces or cubes. Do the same with half a courgette. Peel and chop 2 cloves of garlic and onion as finely as possible. Wash the tomatoes and cut them in half.

Heat a dash of olive oil in a deep frying pan or wok. Sauté the garlic and onion. Add the peppers and courgette, stir well and sauté for a few minutes. Make sure the courgette is cooked through.

Meanwhile, cook 500 grams of ravioli in a saucepan in plenty of salted water. Most fresh ravioli cooks within 5 minutes. Drain and add back to the saucepan.

Stir in a dash of olive oil if needed to prevent the pasta from sticking together.