Chicken wrapped in bacon
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Chicken wrapped in bacon

Uncomplicated, but delicious, chicken wrapped in bacon. Served with fresh pasta and an antiboise (fresh tomato sauce). Recipe for 2 people, ready in 2 hours.

2 hours 5 minutes
2 persons
Chicken wrapped in bacon ingredients

Recipe chicken wrapped in bacon


2 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2015-02-06, this recipe is for 2 persons persons and takes 2 hours 5 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
1 hours 30 minutes
Time cooking
35 minutes
Total time
2 hours 5 minutes

Preparation – 1 hour 10 minutes

Make tagliatelle from your pasta dough, or use ready-made fresh pasta. Take the pasta machine and clamp it to the work surface.

  1. Cut the dough into 6 equal pieces
  2. Run each piece through the machine, from the thickest setting to your final desired thickness.
  3. Cut the pasta sheets into tagliatelle ribbons, using the pasta machine.
  4. Dust the pasta with some flour to prevent the tagliatelle from clumping together.
  5. Repeat the above steps for the remaining pasta dough.

We've previously put up a detailed article on how you can make your own pasta dough

Making the antiboise – 15 minutes

Fill a medium saucepan with water and bring it to the boil. Fill a bowl with ice-cold water and set it aside. Chop the shallot and 2 cloves of garlic as finely as possible. Slice a handful of black olives into rings. Skin the tomatoes.

Using a chef's knife, cut a small "x" on the bottom of each tomato. Only cut into the skin, not into the tomato flesh. Dip each tomato in the boiling water for 10 seconds and then immediately place in the bowl of iced water to stop the cooking process.

Remove the seeds from the tomatoes and cut brunoise (dice). Heat 50 ml olive oil in a large frying pan over a low heat. SautΓ© the finely chopped shallots for 2 minutes, then add the black olives and cook for 5 minutes.

Finally, add the tomato brunoise and season with salt and pepper. 

Chicken wrapped in bacon
Chicken wrapped in bacon

Finishing the chicken wrapped in bacon – 20 minutes

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. Remove any excess fat and sinew from the chicken breasts. Wrap each chicken breast with bacon, using approximately 5 rashers of bacon per chicken breast. Place the chicken breasts on a baking tray lined with baking parchment.

Bake the bacon-wrapped chicken breasts for 12 to 15 minutes, depending on your oven and the thickness of the chicken breasts. If you like, you can also (before baking) stuff the chicken breasts with a little herby cream cheese. This is not strictly necessary as the antiboise already provides a lot of flavour.

Cook the pasta in a pan of boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes (as you're using fresh pasta it won't take very long to cook). Serve the bacon-wrapped chicken on the homemade pasta and spoon some of the antiboise (sauce) over it.

Really delicious with a glass of red wine. Enjoy your meal!

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