Mac and cheese
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Mac and cheese

Mac and cheese is a true American classic. Ready in around 20 minutes and so easy to make! With cheese, cream and bacon, you can't not love mac and cheese!

20 minutes
4 persons
Mac and cheese ingredients

Recipe mac and cheese


4 persons
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This is what you need

Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2014-08-07, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 20 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
5 minutes
Time cooking
15 minutes
Total time
20 minutes

Preparation 5 minutes

Fill a large saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Add a pinch of salt and cook the macaroni.

Finely chop the fresh rosemary. Cut the bacon into pieces and fry the bacon, until crispy, in a frying pan. Finely grate the gruyère cheese.

Mac and cheese
American mac and cheese

Finishing the mac and cheese 15 minutes

Drain the mac and cheese using a colander and reserve some of the water.

Add the double cream to the large pan and stir into the macaroni until fully combined. Add the chopped rosemary and season with salt and pepper.

Heat until the macaroni has absorbed the double cream. Stir in the bacon and cheese. Add some water, if necessary, to prevent the mac and cheese from sticking to the pan.

Garnish the mac and cheese with chopped fresh chives. Enjoy your meal!


Which cheese is best for mac and cheese?

You can use different varieties of cheese to make mac and cheese. For the classic American version, they usually use Cheddar cheese. Several types are available, including mature cheddar, mild cheddar and white cheddar.

For a quick and simple mac and cheese, you can use any grated cheese you have available. This can be young or mature cheese, but Emmental or Comté also work well (just choose a cheese which melts well).

Which type of macaroni should I use for mac and cheese?

In America, “elbow” macaroni, which is slightly larger than the macaroni you may be familiar with, is usually used.

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2 comments on "Mac and cheese"
Giel berkers says on 2014-09-30
I made this the other day, but instead of Gruyère cheese I used Pecorino Roman. And instead of Rosemary I used Italian herbs. And instead of Bacon I used vegetarian bacon. And I added some shallot to the recipe. And I didn't add the chopped chives. And I forgot about the 3 spoons of water. Still a good recipe though, me and my family really enjoyed it! ;-)
Ohmydish says on 2014-09-30
Thank you Giel, good to know your family enjoyed it!

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