Beetroot ravioli
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Beetroot ravioli vegetarian

These pretty little pink ravioli are made with red beetroot, and filled delicious mascarpone and ricotta. They're vegetarian, and ready in less than an hour. Recipe for 4 people.

55 minutes
4 persons
Beetroot ravioli ingredients

Recipe beetroot ravioli


4 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2015-02-22, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 55 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
50 minutes
Time cooking
5 minutes
Total time
55 minutes

Preparing the ravioli – 50 minutes

Roughly chop the pre-cooked beetroot and then press it through a fine sieve to make a smooth beetroot purée. Add the flour, eggs and salt to the bowl of a stand mixer.

Mix on low speed until all ingredients are well combined. Add the beetroot purée and a small dash of olive oil. Mix until a ball of dough forms.

Add more flour if the dough is too wet. Knead the dough in the stand mixer until it is no longer sticky. Remove the ravioli dough from the stand mixer and shape the dough into a ball.

Wrap the dough ball with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. While waiting, take a medium bowl and add the ricotta, mascarpone and thyme.

Mix everything together well and season with salt and pepper. After 30 minutes, unwrap the ravioli dough and cut into 4 equal pieces. Flatten the dough using a rolling pin.

Run the dough through a pasta machine. Start with the thickest setting and work your way to the thinnest setting. The correct thickness is usually setting 5 on most pasta machines.

Repeat this step for the remaining pieces of ravioli dough.

How to make ravioli (step 1)
How to make ravioli (step 1)

Dust your work surface with flour. Place the thin strips of pasta dough on the work surface. Spoon the cheese mixture, one teaspoon at a time,  onto the pasta sheet (or use a piping bag, if you prefer). See the photo below:

How to make ravioli (step 2)
How to make ravioli (step 2)

Place a second sheet of pasta dough over the top, and seal. Use your hands to (gently) push out any air  between the cheese mixture and the pasta dough.  

How to make ravioli (step 3)
How to make ravioli (step 3)

Use a ravioli cutter to cut the ravioli into even squats. Place each raviolo on a large plate or baking tray. Dust the plate or tray with some flour first to prevent sticking.

How to make ravioli (step 4)
How to make ravioli (step 4)

Cooking the beetroot ravioli – 5 minutes

Fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil. Cook the fresh beetroot ravioli for 2 to 3 minutes.

Beetroot ravioli
Beetroot ravioli

As the pasta in this recipe is fresh, it takes very little time to cook. Enjoy your meal!

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6 comments on "Beetroot ravioli"
Ateaspoonofhappiness says on 2015-02-24
These are so cute! I recently got into beets, and I'm looking for new ways to use them. These seem perfect for a special occasion, or anytime really!
Ohmydish says on 2015-02-24
We're glad that you enjoy beets lately! Did you know that you can easily variate the ravioli filling using other kinds of cheese, meat or vegetables?
Jessica | a happy food dance says on 2015-02-25
This is beautiful - I love the vibrant colors. And your ravioli are so much more prettier than mine ;)
Ohmydish says on 2015-02-25
We like how you don't need to add food coloring to make the ravioli this color, just add red beet pulp :)
A_boleyn says on 2016-07-01
I made a batch of pasta with the beet puree though I didn't add enough so during boiling, a lot of the colour leached out into the cooking water. You can see pics of the pasta before and after boiling at Fridgg. I need to figure out how to get more colour into the pasta without having to increase the amount of puree as it has more water in it than I like.
Ohmydish says on 2016-07-01
Hey Maria, I looked at your pictures and your cooked pasta lost indeed a lot of color. How much puree did you use?

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