Classic bavarois
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Classic bavarois

A classic bavarois with vanilla flavor is a light pudding, usually served in a large glass bowl. Recipe for one liter or 8 people.

1 hours 10 minutes
8 persons
Classic bavarois ingredients

Recipe classic bavarois


8 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2015-08-07, this recipe is for 8 persons persons and takes 1 hours 10 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
1 hours
Total time
1 hours 10 minutes

Bavarois are like pudding, its flavour will improve when adding less gelatine. Usually served in a glass bowl. This recipe uses pudding moulds so it's easy to divide between your guests.

Another fun fact is that making bavarois generates a lot of dirty dishes. Let's get started!

Preparation – 10 minutes

Soak the gelatine leaves in the small bowl by pouring cold water into it. Clean both large bowls and rinse with cold water. Disinfection is very important, otherwise, the egg yolks can shift.

Add egg yolks with half of the sugar to the disinfected bowl, and stir using a whisk until white. You can use your stand mixer for this if you like.

Making a classic bavarois – 1 hour

Add milk and the remaining sugar to a saucepan along with the marrow of the vanilla pod. Heat up the milk on medium-high heat and let it come to a boil.

Pour boiling milk while stirring with a whisk onto the white beaten egg yolks. Squeeze water out of the gelatine leaves, add to the mixture and pour everything back into the saucepan.

Heat the mixture on low heat while continuously stirring, until all of the gelatine is dissolved and the egg yolks are bound.  

Classic bavarois
Classic bavarois

Pass the mixture through a round sieve into the other bowl, and let cool off in a (bucket) of ice water, until ready. Add cream into a bowl and whisk until stiff.

Scoop whipped cream through the mixture, until ready and fill the glass bowl with the bavarois using a sauce spoon or a plastic scraper. Cover with cling film and place into your refrigerator.  

Covering up the bavarois prevents discolouration and keeps the dessert moist. Enjoy your homemade classic bavarois!

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