
Dutch Hutspot


Classic Dutch hutspot, mashed potatoes, carrots and onions. Can be served with smoked sausage, but without it can be a vegetarian dish. Made with only a few ingredients.

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Dutch hutspot
Veronique van Ohmydish

Made by Véronique

Published at 2017-11-25, this recipe is for 6 people and takes 30 minutes.

Founder of Ohmydish (established 2014). Would happily spend her entire day in the kitchen. Previously worked in the hospitality industry as an independent chef and is ready and willing to help you gain confidence in the kitchen. With her easy-to-follow recipes, helpful tips, and cooking knowledge, you will be making the very tastiest dishes yourself in no time! Véronique's recipes are intended for everyone, from beginners to advanced home cooks.

Updated at: 10-09-2023

30 minutes 6 people Main course
Dutch hutspot


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  • 1 kilo floury potatoes
  • 700 gram carrots
  • about 7 large onions
  • 2 bay leafs
  • large knob of butter
  • large dash of full fat milk
  • large pinch of ground nutmeg
  • pepper and salt to taste
  • optional: smoked sausage and mustard or piccalilli for serving
Dutch hutspot ingredients
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Kitchen equipment

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  • potato peeler
  • cutting board & chef's knife
  • large pan
  • potato masher

Dutch Hutspot

30 minutes 6 people Main course

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Preparation – 20 minutes

Peel the potatoes and chop them into chunks. Add the potatoes to the large pan along with water and salt and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, peel the carrots and also chop them into chunks.

Add the carrots to the boiling water along with the bay leafs. Peel the onion and coarsely chop them. Add them to the large pan and cook until the potatoes are done.  

Dutch hutspot
Dutch hutspot

Finishing the Dutch hutspot -- 10 minutes

Remove the bay leaves and use a potato masher to mash the potatoes, carrots and onions. Season with ground nutmeg, pepper and salt. Add butter and milk until you've reached a smooth mash.

Serve with a smoked sausage and mustard or piccalilli, enjoy your meal!

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