Vanilla ice cream hot coffee
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Vanilla ice cream hot coffee

Nothing beats a nice big ol' cup of coffee. Give it a twist by adding in vanilla ice cream and whipped cream on top! Vanilla ice cream hot coffee recipe.

10 minutes
2 persons
Vanilla ice cream hot coffee ingredients

Recipe vanilla ice cream hot coffee


2 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2015-09-28, this recipe is for 2 persons persons and takes 10 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
Time cooking
10 minutes
Total time
10 minutes

Making vanilla ice cream hot coffee – 10 minutes

Start by making whipped cream. Pour 100 grams of double cream into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar and whisk until smooth. Boil 2 glasses full of water in the water boiler.

Pour the contents of two espresso sticks into a glass. Add boiling hot water, and make sure to not fill the glass all the way. Leave about 1/5th or 1/4th unfilled. Stir and mix it up.

Vanilla ice cream hot coffee
Vanilla ice cream hot coffee

Scoop out one nice big ball of vanilla ice cream using the ice cream scoop into the glass. Add half of the whipped cream on top and finish by adding some extra espresso on top (see picture). Enjoy your vanilla ice cream hot coffee!

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7 ratings
12 comments on "Vanilla ice cream hot coffee"
Rachel says on 2016-01-26
Oh My Delish! lol This is like a coffee and icecream lovers dream! I am in heaven with this one. Thank you so much for sharing. We do a lot of dinners I think I might add this as a dessert! Yummy.
Ohmydish says on 2016-01-27
Haha yes, thanks, it's the perfect combination! I bet your guests will definitely enjoy this one :)
Willie murphy says on 2016-03-28
I never heard of this before, but now I wish I was having one for dessert tonight. Actually, I wish I was having three, because vanilla, peppermint, and coffee ice cream all sound delicious!
Ohmydish says on 2016-03-28
You absolutely know what's delicious, that's for sure! :)
Ingrid says on 2016-10-10
Absolutely delicious, espresso sticks are a great alternative if you don't have a way to brew coffee at home. So simple yet so satisfying for a treat, especially when serving coffee to friends. Thanks, love it!
Ohmydish says on 2016-10-11
Hi Ingrid, you're welcome!
Laura tyler says on 2016-10-30
Thanks for the new idea of coffee with vanilla.It looks like very delicious and i will definitely try taste it very soon.
Ohmydish says on 2016-10-30
Thank you Laura, hope you will like it!
Will hanran says on 2018-02-20
haha! I love this. Seriously you give me something which will give some good taste to my tongue. Really this sounds too good.
Ohmydish says on 2018-02-20
Thanks you Will, glad you like it :)
Varun sharma says on 2020-05-15
Yummy desert for the night. thanks to share this.
Ohmydish says on 2020-05-15
Thanks for your comment, great you like it! Have a great day!

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