Exploring Sustainable Food Choices: A Guide for Students
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Exploring Sustainable Food Choices: A Guide for Students

Do you know how your eating habits impact the environment? Discover how to navigate eco-friendly food options as a student with five simple tips on sustainable eating shared with ohmydish.com by Tutor John W of DoMyEssay.

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Véronique Pouw

Written by Véronique

Published at 2023-06-14.

Updated at: 2023-07-21

Exploring Sustainable Food Choices: A Guide for Students

When your schedule is jam-packed, it’s easy to slip into unhealthy eating habits and munch on french fries and potato chips. But do you know that these processed foods can have a big impact on your health and the environment? 

From having poor nutritional value and harming mental health to increasing risks of obesity and diabetes, these food items are not only downgrading your health but the production, processing, and transportation of these foods also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and damage to natural resources. 

Hence, it is wise to try sustainable eating that includes healthy, affordable, and environment-friendly food choices. Since finding such food options can be tricky, this article would help you make the switch as a student. Meanwhile, you can ask a professional writer from a trusted writing service to write my research paper and keep up with your assignment deadlines. 


What Is Sustainable Eating?

Sustainable eating refers to the concept of consciously selecting food items that have a low impact on the environment and food supply. For example, if you eat fruits and vegetables that are available out of season, know that tons of carbon have been emitted during the procedure of processing and preserving those items. 

Furthermore, food processing includes many chemicals that pollute water, harm ocean life, and are dangerous to human health as well. So, being mindful of what you eat and where it comes from takes you one step ahead in your contribution toward the planet-health. 

Sustainable food is mostly fresh, whole, and minimally processed, all of which boosts your overall health. Apart from eco-friendliness, sustainable eating also aids your well-being without being heavy on your pocket. So, in the long run, you are doing yourself a favor by shifting to sustainable eating, just like you save yourself from hiring an irrelevant essay writer by checking writing services reviews for your assignments. 

5 Practical Tips for Eating More Sustainably

Reduce Intake of Animal-Based Foods

Animal farming significantly harms the environment through the emission of greenhouse gasses, water pollution, and deforestation. So, by just minimizing animal-based foods, you greatly contribute to protecting the ecosystem. 

This doesn’t mean you have to be a complete vegan. You can simply limit your intake of foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy, etc., and try to consume more vegetables, nuts, fruits, legumes, beans, and whole grains. These plant-based foods also help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risks of chronic diseases.

Reduce Intake of Animal-Based Foods
Reduce Intake of Animal-Based Foods

Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods like instant noodles, cheese puffs, soft drinks, etc., may be quick and convenient, but they have worse downsides. First, they consume huge amounts of resources to be produced. And second, the packaging waste and carbon emissions make them even more worthless to the environment. 

You can instead consume minimally processed or homemade foods. Many essay writers swear by low-effort breakfasts, like oats with nuts and fruits, stuffed sweet potatoes, or peanut butter banana toasts.

Try More Local Foods

Locally produced foods are far more sustainable than fancy imported items. Foods grown within a 100-mile radius of where you live are not only less expensive but also have a low carbon footprint because of reduced transportation. This also supports local farmers and businesses to create a thriving economy.

For example, apples, corn, strawberries, blackberries, lettuce, spinach, kale, and tomatoes are grown in various parts of the US. In coastal regions, you can try locally sourced seafood options such as fish, shrimp, oysters, and crab. Also, eat seasonal foods like peaches in summer that aren’t artificially ripened.

Eat Different Types of Foods

Eating the same food too much is neither healthy for your body nor the environment. This limits the nutrients you get from your diet and may cause deficiencies. Also, this promotes farming of a single crop in the field, which adds to soil degradation and increases fertilizer use.

Hence, try to diversify your diet to include a wide variety of foods instead of limiting it to one particular type. This way, you can promote the demand for a broader range of foods, increasing the resilience of the food systems to pests and extreme weather.

Reduce Food Wastage

You would be surprised to know that according to the FDA, 30-40% of the US food supply goes to wastage. To reduce this waste, you should always carefully analyze how much food you require and plan your meals a week in advance. Don’t forget to take note of expiry dates. This will help you buy exactly what you need and cut off the waste. 

Store leftovers for future use or share them with your friends before they get spoiled. Also, avoid single-use plastic packaging since it never decomposes and pollutes soil, water, and land alike. The writers from top assignment services often volunteer in cleaning drives to remove plastic waste from public sites and recycle them. 

To Sum Up

Sustainable eating lets us all create a greener, healthier, and more vibrant world for generations to come. Take care of the above points to better choose your food next time you walk the supermarket aisles. Since this sustainability mission can’t be won alone, make your friends and classmates aware of its necessity and encourage them to adopt sustainable eating.

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