Healthy Food Alternatives for Active College Students
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Healthy Food Alternatives for Active College Students

College life is an extremely busy and demanding time in a person's life, and it is essential that they take the time to eat well in order to maintain their energy levels and focus on their studies and jobs (and some play too).

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Véronique Pouw

Written by Véronique

Published at 2022-09-12.

Updated at: 2022-09-12

Healthy Food Alternatives for Active College Students

It's possible that you just don't feel like it, or that you lack the motivation, stamina, or dietary knowledge to make the necessary changes. Moreover, you could be anxious about gaining the infamous "freshman 15."

Sometimes students have no time for taking lunch so they ask for help from essay writing services to get extra time to make healthy food for students. By relieving them of the burden of writing assignments, students are able to better manage their time for healthy college food. Essay writers on Writix can quickly and easily create the high-quality content you've been struggling to make on your own. If you follow their advice, you’ll be able to get good grades in the class. As a result, you'll have a lot of spare time to have a healthy college student diet. Here are 5 ways to improve your college diet:

1. Know What a Balanced Diet Is

Maintaining optimal health requires consuming a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and macro- and micronutrients. Each meal should include some carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber to ensure adequate intake of all of these nutrients.

One rule of thumb for eating healthily is to include a serving of fat, a starch (such as whole grains, lentils, or starchy vegetables), and some protein at each meal (legumes, tofu, chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, yogurt, etc).

2. Add a Fruit or Vegetable to Every Meal

Half or less of the daily fruit and vegetable servings are recommended for the average American. Therefore, at every possible meal, include a fruit or a vegetable with a bright hue. It's simple; just pay closer attention to what you put on your plate.

Breakfast can be made healthier by adding sliced fruit or fresh berries to a bowl of cereal or oatmeal, or by drinking a fruit and vegetable smoothie first thing in the morning.

Choose green beans or raw carrots to complement your sandwich at lunch. Eat an apple or a banana as dessert.

Similar procedures apply at dinner. Even if you and your friends are ordering pizza, you may still make healthy choices by adding salad or vegetables to your pie.

3.  Add Calcium-Rich Foods

Calcium plays an important role in many bodily processes, including blood clotting, muscle and nerve function, tooth development, and bone and tooth health. In truth, bone mass is being added until around the age of 30; beyond that, it becomes more difficult to add calcium to bone. Take advantage of this window of opportunity by increasing your calcium intake.

Calcium is a mineral that is commonly found in milk and other dairy products. Greek yogurt with fruit, almonds, and honey is a great option, or you could also have a glass of milk with your meal. Cheese, too, is a great way to get your calcium fix. A single dish of cheese is only approximately a single ounce (about the size of two dice).

4. Drink More Water

Water is essential for keeping your body hydrated and alert. Carry a refillable water bottle with you around campus, as water is cheap and easily accessible.

Should you care about the source of your water? Probably not; tap water should be safe, although you might not like the taste, depending on the treatment it receives. A water filtration pitcher or bottled water are two options.

5. Stock up on Healthy Snacks

There's no way that tiny fridge can hold all the prepared (and pricey) foods from Whole Foods. But it doesn't mean you should stock your dorm room with processed foods that will just go to waste.

Experts recommend stocking up on nutritious items that keep for a long time, such as nuts, seeds, dried fruit, rice cakes, and multi-grain crackers. Raw vegetables and hummus also fare well, while apples and citrus fruits can be left out for up to two weeks.

Final Words

Finally, you have it! These are just a few tips out of many, but I know you have a lot on your plate. Stop by the student health center if you have any questions or want some extra guidance while at school. Many have RDNs on staff who can advise you on how to best eat on campus.

So, if you're a high school graduate about to embark on your college career and you're reading this, take into account some (or all) of the following recommendations. A college student's parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, mentors, and other respected elders may find this list of helpful hints useful to pack in their child's bag before sending them off into the world.

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