You are what you eat — that old adage still rings true, but it has another meaning to it. It’s not just about the nutrients you get from your food, it’s also about the way your food makes you feel. Trying out new recipes, new flavors and exotic dishes will take your taste buds on a fresh adventure with every meal. Here’s how to easily find great cooking recipes!

Search YouTube
The olden days when cooking recipes were distilled to a list of ingredients and few rudimentary instructions are long gone. Today you can get online, check YouTube, and search for whatever dish you want to make that day. Sometimes seeing how a dish is prepared is the missing piece that will help you get great results.
Another reason why YouTube recipes are awesome is the fact that you can see how different people make the same dish. If it’s a national dish from a faraway place, you’ll find natives preparing it the authentic way.
Find a Cooking Blog That Clicks With You
Food is universal in the sense that we all need to eat, but other than that it’s a very subjective matter. Tastes differ to a point where some people have extremely niche preferences. The cooking enthusiast from argues that finding a cooking blog that matches your tastes is the best way to easily find recipes you’ll love. More importantly, once you find such a blog, you’ll have a constantly updated source of great recipes and tasty food.
To find a blog that matches your taste, simply Google your favorite foods. The first few pages of results should give you plenty of potential candidates.
Check Your Family Cookbooks

This next tip is slightly unconventional. Are you often reminiscing about your grandma’s cooking? Remember that one dish only she could make? If so, there’s a good chance your dear old grandma has a custom cookbook somewhere. Older generations of foodies didn’t have the internet. Instead, they’ve gathered their recipes by word of mouth, or by going over numerous cookbooks.
If you manage to find an heirloom cookbook, you’re bound to find at least a few very rare dishes, awesome spice mix recipes, or dishes that have become forgotten by now. Just make sure to return the cookbook once you’re done, or if you’re the new owner of the said book, make sure to preserve it for future generations.

Look for Vintage Cookbooks
If you’re having trouble challenging your taste buds with what’s available online, you can always go to an antique shop and look for old printed cookbooks. The older, the better. You can score some pretty incredible finds this way and revamp recipes that have been forgotten for centuries if not longer!
Looking for Recipes Pays Off
If you appreciate the art of cooking, searching for recipes will most definitely be a good investment of your time. We’re not only talking in terms of exploring different tastes, but also in terms of building your own style of cooking. The experience gathered while cooking different dishes is invaluable.
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