How to make perfect bacon strips
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How to make perfect bacon strips

Perfect bacon strips are crispy, not too greasy and have a lovely color. Learn how to make them by using only an oven.

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Véronique Pouw

Written by Véronique

Published at 2015-05-25.

Updated at: 2024-08-09

How to make perfect bacon strips
Crispy bacon gives almost every dish a perfect finishing touch. The most easy and delicious way to achieve this, is baking the bacon in the oven. No more standing at your stove, waiting and flipping over bacon strips with grease spatting everywhere. In professional kitchens, you can always find an airtight container filled with crispy bacon or some sort of ham. Dried to perfection in the oven, or sometimes in an air dryer, but we're going to show you the easy oven way.

What you'll need

There is not much needed for this recipe, what you will need is an oven, baking tray lined with parchment paper, paper towels and the most important one ingredient: bacon strips, as many as you like.

Making the perfect bacon strips

Place the bacon strips loosely on the baking tray and place in a cold oven. While the bacon is in the oven, you'll heat it up to about 200 degrees celsius or 400 degrees fahrenheit. Wait about 10 minutes before it needs checking up, they should be a bit okay already. After about another 5 minutes, they should have a beautiful color. Remove from the oven and transfer to some paper towels to remove the excess fat. Extra crispy bacon guaranteed! Bacon can be used in salads, on top of soups, any meat dish and on any kind of sandwich. Well actually, is there something bacon isn't good with?

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