Limburger pies
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Limburger pies

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Véronique Pouw

Written by Véronique

Published at 2017-02-23.

Updated at: 2021-07-14

You have probably seen a lot of Limburger pies lately. So what does make something a pie and not a cake? Limburger pies are baked as a whole. This means that it's not a real traditional Limburger pie when ingredients are added afterwards. 

The recipe for the yeast dough I use has been around for generations in my family. My family (from my mothers' side) is from Beek, Limburg. Beek is also the oldest village in The Netherlands. A family comprised of farmers, a `baking house` or bakkusj was present in the back garden. 

This was a central place where women from the village came round and bake their pies. Unfortunately, we don't have a photograph of the inside, but we do have one from the outside: 

Pie baking house Hoolstraat Beek Limburg
Pie baking house Hoolstraat Beek Limburg

Pie crust recipe, according to my family;

  • 50 gram lukewarm butter
  • 125 ml lukewarm milk
  • 250 gram flour
  • 1/2 sachet dry yeast (or use fresh yeast)
  • 50 gram sugar

Creating the yeast dough is easy, the most important part is to knead the dough by hand. The dough will become smooth and elastic when firmly kneaded by hand. 

Add butter (50 gram), warm milk (125 ml), flour (250 gram), yeast and sugar (50 gram) in a bowl. Knead on the working surface. 

Limburger pies 1
Limburger pies 1

When kneaded properly, the dough will rise beautifully. It will double in size after an hour, and should look like this: 

Limburger pies 2
Limburger pies 2

You can create all sorts of classic Limburger pies using this yeast dough, such as a crumble pie, cherry pie, rice pie or apricot pie

Limburger pies 4
Limburger pies 3
Dutch crumb pie - Kruimelvlaai
Dutch crumb pie - Kruimelvlaai 
Dutch cherry pie - kersenvlaai
Dutch cherry pie - kersenvlaai 
Rijstevlaai - Dutch rice pie
Rijstevlaai - Dutch rice pie 
Dutch apricot pie - abrikozenvlaai
Dutch apricot pie - abrikozenvlaai
Dutch plum pie - pruimenvlaai
Dutch plum pie - pruimenvlaai
Dutch peach pie - perzikvlaai
Dutch peach pie - perzikvlaai
Dutch linzenvlaai
Dutch linzenvlaai

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2 comments on "Limburger pies"
A_Boleyn says on 2017-02-28
All I know of limburger is it's the name of a 'stinky' cheese so hearing of a limburger pie is pretty novel. Until I realized that it's the name of the area. And a yeast crust is also not something I'm familiar with. All in all, I've learned a lot of in this post. I'd like to try a rice pie though I'm curious what kind of rice 'dessert' rice is ... a short grain? No cinnamon so it probably doesn't taste like rice pudding. :)
Ohmydish says on 2017-02-28
That's great to hear! Yeah our area has a lot to offer, such as great pies, cheese, rabbit and more. A rice pie is my favorite, it's a short grain. It will fall apart when you cook it, so it is like a rice pudding :)

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