Ohmydish has been optimized!
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Ohmydish has been optimized!

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Véronique Pouw

Written by Véronique

Published at 2014-08-14.

Updated at: 2014-09-13

Ohmydish has been optimized!
Optimizing the ohmydish.com website is very important so you (the visitor) can enjoy our recipes faster. Learn what we've improved this week by reading this article! Ohmydish page speed insights 100.100 Google page speed 100/100 score! We’ve dedicated the past few days to optimizing the ohmydish.com website. It’s really paid off because the website now ranks an overall 91 out of 100 on Google Pagespeed Insights. The homepage even ranks 100 out of 100! Check it out by using this link to the Google page speed insights page. So... what does this all mean? Basically it means that ohmydish.com is now super FAST and optimized for desktop, tablet and mobile usage. Our visitors using a mobile device currently account for over 40% of all traffic. That’s one of the reasons why we found it important to optimize the site for mobile (and tablet) use. Also, we love fast websites ourself! We have also improved the overall site security by installing a SSL license, you can check this by looking at the address bar. It should say “https://ohmydish.com” instead of “https://ohmydish.com”. By using HTTPS we guarantee that our visitors have a safe web experience. Anything you type or submit to the website is encrypted and secure. Our next goal is to add way more delicious recipes for you to try out! We’re going to start by adding all kinds of ‘basic’ recipes. After that the more complex recipes will be available, so stay tuned! All in all it’s been a good week and we hope you’ll enjoy the website even more now that it’s faster! If you have any suggestions or improvements you can let us know by using the form on this page.

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2 comments on "Ohmydish has been optimized!"
Ohmydish says on 2014-09-05
Thanks for the kind words Thomas! Glad to hear that you visit us for the recipes :-)
Thomas says on 2014-09-05
Amazing job! The website is really fast loading which is nice. But I come here for the food haha. Keep up the good work.

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