The Most Popular Drinks at Student Parties
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The Most Popular Drinks at Student Parties

Making cocktails can eat up your party time. Have you heard of a boilermaker? It's the best beer-based cocktail and is not difficult to make.

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Véronique Pouw

Written by Véronique

Published at 2022-11-14.

Updated at: 2024-12-02

The Most Popular Drinks at Student Parties

As the saying goes, all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. This adage is even truer for students. All studies and no parties make students bored. It is the perfect time to enjoy drinking and making drinks. 
Try out the cocktail recipes and be a social butterfly. Use each party to get better at making cocktails, and soon you will turn into the life of the party.


Tequila is an Agave-based drink made primarily in Mexico and is drunk neat in a single shot at regular intervals. No student party starts without tequila. This beverage comes in various brands and prices. Therefore, it is within budget for many students. Those students who prefer to drink shots are the true connoisseurs of tequila. 

Tequila is best without adding any ingredients because that is how it oozes out its flavors. This is the best drink for student parties as they do not have to spend on any other drinks to make any cocktails out of it. Moreover, making cocktails involves spending time at the bar. College students may have set aside some time for parties, but that time should be best spent interacting with fellow students. 

Making cocktails can eat up your party time. Enjoy your free time at the party. If you are hard-pressed for time to learn for your exams, ask for help from online essay writing services. The same-day essay from write an essay for me service EduBirdie can shrink your study time dramatically, leaving you enough time for parties. With years of experience, this writing report service is at your beck and call, making every tough homework easy, including law assignments. 

The Most Popular Drinks at Student Parties
The Most Popular Drinks at Student Parties


You can enjoy your party until late with Fireball. It is a cocktail made of whiskey, but instead of drinking it neat, you can mix it with other ingredients to make Fireball. This cocktail consists of apple cider, 7Up, oranges, and cinnamon. With these ingredients, you can avoid the pungent taste of whiskey and still enjoy the alcohol content in it. 

The spicy flavor of Fireball can be instantly recognizable. It has captured the palates of many partygoers. Since its increase in popularity, student parties cannot do without it. Fireball can keep you sober for a while as you sip it yet ignite the evening. It’s an amazing way to enjoy a party than to sip your favorite cocktail and remain sober. 

Sunshine Boilermaker 

Boilermaker is the best beer-based cocktail and is not difficult to make. It is unlike other time-consuming cocktail recipes and does not need any special bartending skills. Buy bourbon, pale lager, sparkling water, and lemon or lime mix them with your favorite beer. You can adjust the beer quantity to suit your taste. 

Sunshine Boilermaker glass should be decorated with a lemon slice. Make sure all participants at the party try it at least once and get feedback. Based on the comments, you can tweak it so you get better at it each time. The name is derived from the steam locomotive workers of the early 19th century. A bit of history there to impress friends. 

Jungle Juice 

For those students who find it challenging to settle on a light drink at a party, Jungle Juice is the best drink. Get any alcoholic beverage and some fruit juice and improvise on the ingredients. With the numerous recipes and multiple ways in making them, you will never fail to have fun at the party. 

It is easy to keep sipping Jungle Juice due to its fruity flavor without realizing the potent alcohol content in it. It can get you tipsy very quickly, so go slow on the alcohol content of the different beverages, basically vodka and rum. But students mix other beverages such as gin and whiskey to it to stretch the alcohol quantity. 

Cranberry Sparkler 

If you are looking for the perfect party cocktail drink that is not alcohol-based, go for Cranberry Sparkler. You can get it from your local stores. If it is not available, make it yourself using cranberry juice, orange wedge, lemon juice, and water. Top it up with lemon-lime soda. Making this cocktail during the party can allow students to participate actively. 


Student parties can be fun for both alcohol drinkers and non-alcohol drinkers. With numerous creative cocktails available, it would be foolhardy not to party. Spend some time off from your studies and enjoy a cocktail party. Try out these cocktail recipes and impress your friends with your bartending skills. Parties are the best time and place to let your steam out from the marathon school life and avoid burnout. 

Author’s Bio

Karl Bowman loves to write ebooks, papers and journals. His experience comes from his professional-level training in writing books and working with authors of some famous books. He loves to take up issues that can solve society-level problems and improve people's lives. He’s currently working on a book on the drawbacks of the educational system in the US and Canada.

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