
Dish type: bacon

86 recipes


Chicken wrapped in bacon

2 hours 5 minutes 2 people

Uncomplicated, but delicious, chicken wrapped in bacon. Served with fresh pasta and an antiboise (fresh tomato sauce). Recipe for 2 people, ready in 2 hours.

Devils on horseback (stuffed dates wrapped in bacon)

30 minutes 10 people

Our version of this popular hors d'œuvre uses sauerkraut to stuff dates, before wrapping them in bacon. A perfect sweet, sour and savoury mouthful. Makes a party platter for ten people.


2 hour 2 people

This is the original flammkuchen recipe from Alsace (previously Elsass). With an irresistible, thin and crispy crust, this pizza-style dish is topped with bacon, red onion and crème fraîche.

Mac and cheese

20 minutes 4 people

Mac and cheese is a true American classic. Ready in around 20 minutes and so easy to make! With cheese, cream and bacon, you can't not love mac and cheese!