Roasted garlic and watercress soup
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Roasted garlic and watercress soup

Fresh watercress and soft oven baked garlic is ideal for a hot summer day. It's refreshing, light and delicious.

1 hours
4 persons
Roasted garlic and watercress soup ingredients

Recipe roasted garlic and watercress soup


4 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2015-05-22, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 1 hours.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
45 minutes
Time cooking
15 minutes
Total time
1 hours

Preparation – 45 minutes

Pre-heat your oven to a temperature of 180 degrees celsius or 356 degrees fahrenheit. Slice one side from the garlic head, and wrap in til foil. Bake the garlic head in your oven until tender, for 40 to 45 minutes.

Meanwhile, peel the potato and shallot. Finely chop up the shallot and potato in small chunks. Wash the watercress and rid it of any bugs, sand and such things.  bake the bacon (strips) and also set aside.  

Roasted garlic and watercress soup
Roasted garlic and watercress soup

Cooking the watercress soup – 10 to 15 minutes

Pour some olive oil in the large pan, and saute the shallot and potato for about 5 minutes. The garlic head is now nicely soft and tender, in such a way that you can actually squeeze out all of the goodness.

POUR one litre (4 cups) chicken stock in the large pan, turn up the heat to maximum and let it heat up. When the water is almost coming to a boil, squeeze in the contents of the garlic head.

Add the watercress to the soup and blend it as smooth as you like. Season with (a little) salt and pepper. Serve on a deep plate, crush the baked bacon and add it to the soup.

Tip: you can give this dish a twist by adding 100 ml (3. 5 fl oz) heavy cream to the soup, enjoy!

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2 comments on "Roasted garlic and watercress soup"
Dn pettipas says on 2016-01-18
Thank you for this simple soup recipe. I made it yesterday and added a light cream, it was delicious and satisfying. I was only able to use half the garlic suggested but it still had the odd combination of being light yet hardy.
Ohmydish says on 2016-01-18
You're absolutely right it's an odd combination, but therefor it's so awesome. Glad you liked it, thank you!

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