Liebster award
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Liebster award

This week we had the honor of receiving our very first comment ever! It's from Tori of (thanks!) She also has nominated us for the so-called "Liebster award".

Cooking mode Enable to prevent screen from going to sleep during cooking.

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Véronique Pouw

Written by Véronique

Published at 2014-07-31.

Updated at: 2023-07-21

Liebster award

While we have never heard of a Liebster award before we thought it would be fun to fill out anyway. Basically a Liebster award it's not really an award but rather an invitation from (food) bloggers to other bloggers so that they can get to know each other a bit better. We tried our best to answer the questions Tori gave us. Results can be read below along with some pictures of us:

Marco cooking some fresh steaks

1. Why did you start blogging?

We've started this blog because we want to share our delicious recipes with the world! It's a combined effort of both our jobs. Marco is a web developer and Veronique is a cook! We both have a passion for photography, which is nice because we will try to create super-yummy pictures for all of you to look at!

2. If you had to eat only one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?

Wow, this is a really tough question. We love food so much that we would be very depressed about eating only one meal for the rest of our lives. Sorry, we can't really answer this question :-)!

3. What is your favorite recipe that you have ever made?

Marco: Homemade spare-ribs with delicious Hickory brown sauce.

Veronique: I really love making desserts, but I also love everything else in the kitchen (I am, what they say, an all-around cook.)

4. You can tell a lot about a person by how they eat a cupcake. Are you: A. The type that licks the frosting off and eats only the cupcake, B. The type that prefers only the cake without the frosting, C. The type that eats it in perfectly equal bites with perfect frosting-to-cake ratio, or D. The type that just likes to eat the cupcake any way you can have it?

Marco: I would have to say D, I eat it, however, it's presented to me!

Veronique: We are much alike, I also have to say D.

5. What is your favorite holiday?

We both love the summer, our favorite holiday is a holiday where we can explore new dishes. Most of our holiday photos are of food anyways!

6. If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

Marco: I would be in a warmer and drier climate like France, but I love The Netherlands too much to leave!

Veronique: My dad was born in France, so I love a lot about that country. Especially the food, I love French cuisine. But I also like Italy, the parts where I have been are pretty and the food is good. But if I have to choose, I would stay in the Netherlands though.

7. What is the first recipe you remember ever making, or have you been cooking longer than you remember?

Marco: I would have to say pasta carbonara. My parents really love it so I've been making it for a long time.

Veronique: Not sure. I was already cooking when I was a little girl. My mom loves it too, she even had a catering business back in the day.

Veronique having a nice lunch

8. What is your ultimate food/dessert weakness?

Marco: My weakness is that I love a big variety of food, for desserts it would be crème brûlée.

Veronique: Raspberries. Such great texture and taste.

9. Stupidest movie you have ever sat through?

Marco: Recently it was the movie "Hell baby". I love thrillers and horror movies, but this just wasn't it.

Veronique: I am really bad at remembering names. “Hell baby” was indeed very bad.

10. Is there a person in your life that inspires you to cook? If so who are they?

Marco: Easy! It's Veronique because she has taught me virtually everything there is to know about cooking.

Veronique: When I was little it was my mom and grandma. But right now it’s hard to say. I learnt a lot from my teacher when I was a trainee at a fancy castle. And also Anthony Bourdain.

11. What is the biggest tip you wish you had known before starting your blog?

Marco: isn't my first blog, but for my other blogs it would have been that it's important to have tracking tools installed. Like: Google Analytics. This is a great way for you to know who visits your site and what their interests are.

Veronique: It was so much fun reaching out to a lot of people besides friends and family with my recipes.

Liebster award

Our nominees are: 

  • Dawn Marie from
  • Lisbeth from
  • Michelle Williams from
  • Jackie Garvin from

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1 comment on "Liebster award"
Tori says on 2014-08-01
Thanks for playing along! I loved reading all of your answers. Raspberries are one of my weaknesses too!

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