Instantly increase traffic to your food blog
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Instantly increase traffic to your food blog

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Véronique Pouw

Written by Véronique

Published at 2014-12-29.

Updated at: 2020-08-28

Perhaps the number one question out there is how you can get more visitors to your food blog. Which, by the way, not only applies to food blogs, but also for other websites and web shops. In this article we're going to focus on how you can gain more visitors to your food blog. If you're reading this, then there is no doubt you've already put in a lot of effort and hard work cooking, writing recipes and photographing the food. Not to mention eating it all, plus it's nice to share your dishes with people you love. One of the most important things you can change to gain more visitors, is to improve your photography skills. If you're looking to improve these skills, we can highly recommend purchasing Pinch of Yum's "Tasty Food Photography" eBook. This is a great e-book that WILL help you improve your recipe photo's. You can click on this link, or use the image below: Tasty Food Photography eBook When we first started in July 2014 we didn't receive much visitors. That was until we started to submit our recipes to various websites. We've compiled a list of so-called "food porn" websites for your convenience that allow you to submit your food photos: Don't forget to submit your photos to the most popular social networks: BONUS: We receive a lot of visitors when we submit our recipes on StumbleUpon: Tasty Food Photography eBook Please let us know if submitting your recipes to these websites have helped you gain more visitors. Don't forget to comment if you have tips for other food bloggers out there, or when you think there is a website missing in the above lists.

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6 comments on "Instantly increase traffic to your food blog"
Charlene @ That Girl Cooks Healthy says on 2014-12-30
This is SO useful for a fellow newbie. Thank you!
Ohmydish says on 2014-12-30
Let us know how your progress is going ! :-)
The Recipe Wench (Bridget) says on 2015-01-05
Thanks for all the tips!
Ohmydish says on 2015-01-05
You're welcome, if you have great tips for us then let uw know :-)
Evi @ greenevi says on 2015-01-06
Great tips, thanks! I've never thought of StumbleUpon before, I'll give it a try!
Ohmydish says on 2015-01-07
It usually takes a little time, but it will pay off to submit to

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