Acacia flower syrup
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Acacia flower syrup

During spring you'll see those beautiful white flowers everywhere and they smell AMAZING. Try this acacia flower syrup, cause they also taste amazing!

1 hours 40 minutes
6 persons
Acacia flower syrup ingredients

Recipe acacia flower syrup


6 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2019-05-18, this recipe is for 6 persons persons and takes 1 hours 40 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-08-03

Let's get started
Preparation time
40 minutes
Time cooking
1 hours
Total time
1 hours 40 minutes

Preparation – 40 minutes

Remove the stems from the flowers and add the flowers to a large pan. You can rinse the flowers first, this is not necessary. This depends on where you picked the flowers.

Chop the lemon into large chunks and add them to the pan along with 1 liter water. Bring to a boil and let it simmer on low heat for half an hour.  

Acacia flower syrup
Acacia flower syrup

Finishing the acacia flower syrup – 1 hour + waiting time

Turn the heat off and let it rest for about 2 hours, this way the water will be even more flavourful. Sieve the water to get rid of the flowers, to be absolutely sure the water is clear you can use a clean kitchen towel.  

Making acacia flower syrup 1
Making acacia flower syrup 1
Msking acacia flower syrup 2
Making acacia flower syrup 2

Add 400 gram sugar to the tasty water and bring to a boil again. Let it reduce to about half, or until you've reached the desired thickness. Divide the syrup over the jars or bottles while it's still warm.

You can store the syrup for a very long time. You can use the syrup for cakes, pies and other baking. Or pour the syrup over pancakes, yogurt or even in you tea or a cold glass of water with some ice cubes.

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13 ratings
1 comment on "Acacia flower syrup"
Jocelyn badone says on 2024-08-03
Hi Véronique I came across an older version of the recipe in an old cookery book - The gentle art of cookery by Mrs. C. F. Leyel and Olga Hartley (1935). SYRUP MADE OF WHITE ACACIA: Place in a jar in alternate layers two ounces of white acacia flowers freshly gathered, and three ounces of castor sugar. Put them in a cool larder for six hours, and then pour over them a quart of boiling water. Leave it to infuse for twenty-four hours. At the end of this time dis solve five ounces of sugar in less than a quarter of a pint of water. Drain off, without squeezing the flowers, the liquid in which they have been soaking. Mix it with the syrup prepared in the saucepan, which should be boiling; when cold pass through a fine sieve. Not sure how they compare and I have to find one of these trees before I can make the recipe and they’re not as plentiful in Australia (where I live) as they are in the Northern hemisphere.

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