Cheddar BBQ potato skins
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Cheddar BBQ potato skins

Super easy cheddar BBQ potato skins are a great side dish for any barbeque. Recipe for 5 people, ready in about 20 minutes.

20 minutes
5 persons
Cheddar BBQ potato skins ingredients

Recipe cheddar bbq potato skins


5 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2016-04-07, this recipe is for 5 persons persons and takes 20 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
5 minutes
Time cooking
15 minutes
Total time
20 minutes

Preparation – 5 minutes

These potatoes are going to be baked on a bbq, so make sure to have lit your bbq and get it white-hot before starting with this recipe. Bake the bacon in the small skillet.

No need to add butter or olive oil, the fat from bacon will do that for you. Bake until nice and crisp, cool off, transfer to a bowl and set aside. Grate a few large handfuls of mild cheddar cheese and set that aside (in a bowl) too.

Slice each potato in halves and wrap them in tin foil. That's it for preparation.  

Cheddar BBQ potato skins
Cheddar BBQ potato skins

Baking the cheddar BBQ potato skins – 15 minutes

Please note: depending on the type of potato you are using, cooking time can vary. Place the wrapper potatoes near the edges of the hot coals on the bbq. If you're not sure about this, you can also place them in the middle of the bbq rack for 15 minutes.

You can check if they are done by pressing on them using a fork, if they're soft; remove them from the bbq. Immediately add a small handful of grated mild cheddar cheese on top along with some bacon.

Serve with fresh chopped chives.

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2 comments on "Cheddar BBQ potato skins"
A_boleyn says on 2016-04-11
Nice side dish or snack.
Ohmydish says on 2016-04-12
Thanks! :D

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