
Comments on Red onion compote and brie sandwich

Delicious home-made red onion compote and brie sandwich, ready in less than 20 minutes. An absolute delicious lunch or breakfast recipe for one.

Thalia commented at 2015-08-02 03:40:24
Gravatar van Thalia Definitely a sandwich I will be making this week. Love brie cheese.. especially when its accompanied by something as delicious as those soft red onions.
Ohmydish commented at 2015-08-03 14:02:06
Gravatar van Ohmydish Thanks, the combination is so lovely, hope you like it! :)
Chris commented at 2017-02-20 22:39:16
Gravatar van Chris This sandwich is delicious. We will be making them to serve at a wedding breakfast. We will use the little square bread 2"x2" to make them bite size. We are excited to add this to our breakfast celebration!!
Ohmydish commented at 2017-02-21 08:52:29
Gravatar van Ohmydish That's amazing Chris! Enjoy your wedding breakfast celebration!

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