Crepes with figs and pears
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Crepes with figs and pears

A crepe is basically a really thin pancake. Eat crepes with figs and pears for breakfast, lunch or dessert.

10 minutes
4 persons
Crepes with figs and pears ingredients

Recipe crepes with figs and pears


4 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2015-09-06, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 10 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
5 minutes
Time cooking
5 minutes
Total time
10 minutes

Preparing crepes with figs and pears –  5 minutes

Use a whisk to create a smooth pancake batter. Start mixing the eggs and full-fat milk. Gradually add the all-purpose flour. If you would like to be extra sure the flour won't create lumps, you can sift it first.

With only 3 ingredients you can already have tasteful pancakes or crepes. Whip up the cream and sweeten with powdered sugar.  

Crepes with figs and pears
Crepes with figs and pears

Baking the crepes – 5 minutes

Heat a little bit of butter in the skillet and use the soup ladle to add some batter to the skillet. Make sure it's really thin, almost see-through, you can reach this by pouring the excess batter from the skillet immediately back into the bowl.

Don't let the crepes get any colour, because in school they learn us the less colour it has, the better the crepe is. Turn and let it cook for just a minute on the other side as well. Repeat until you've used all the batter.

You can also cook the pear pieces for a minute in the same skillet if you like them a bit warm. Fold the crepes twice and divide them over 4 plates. Cut the figs and pears in pieces and divide over the crepes.

Finish it off with some whipped cream, nuts of your choice and if you like some honey or syrup. Enjoy your meal!

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