Mashed potatoes
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Mashed potatoes

You can't go wrong with this classic recipe for mashed potatoes. These taters go well with a diversity of dishes. Mashed potatoes in about half an hour.

30 minutes
4 persons
Mashed potatoes ingredients

Recipe mashed potatoes


4 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2014-07-27, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 30 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
20 minutes
Total time
30 minutes

Preparation of the mashed potatoes – 10 minutes

Peel the potatoes using the potato peeler and rinse them in a large bowl with fresh, cold water. Slice the potatoes into slices.

Doing this will lower overall cooking time because the potatoes will cook faster.

Cooking the mashed potatoes – 20 minutes

Put a large pan on high heat, and add the potato slices and cold freshwater. The potatoes have to be covered by water for at least 1 inch. Add half a teaspoon of salt to the water. Be sure to have the heat fully up.

When the water starts boiling, reduce the heat to medium-low. Let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes until you can easily poke through the potatoes with a fork. When the potatoes are done cooking, drain the water, and for a very smooth result, you can also use a fine sieve to mash them.

Use a ladle to press the potatoes through the fine sieve. Pour (preferably warm) cream and butter over the potatoes. Add milk and beat until the mashed potatoes are very smooth.

Add more milk to make the mashed potatoes more creamy. It's up to you how creamy you want them to be. Finally, add some salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately.  

Mashed potatoes
Mashed potatoes

Ready to serve

These mashed potatoes are a classic, one of those dishes where you can't go wrong! enjoy!

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