
Mini Pavlova With Kumquats


These mini pavlova with kumquats are easy to make and extra delicious with pistachios. Kumquats are a delicious mini citrus variety.

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Mini pavlova with kumquats
Veronique van Ohmydish

Made by Véronique

Published at 2021-03-10, this recipe is for 6 people and takes 1 hours 10 minutes.

Founder of Ohmydish (established 2014). Would happily spend her entire day in the kitchen. Previously worked in the hospitality industry as an independent chef and is ready and willing to help you gain confidence in the kitchen. With her easy-to-follow recipes, helpful tips, and cooking knowledge, you will be making the very tastiest dishes yourself in no time! Véronique's recipes are intended for everyone, from beginners to advanced home cooks.

Updated at: 25-05-2024

1 hours 10 minutes 6 people Desserts
Mini pavlova with kumquats


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  • 4 egg whites
  • 500 grams of sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 100 ml water
  • large handful of kumquats
  • handful of pistachios
Mini pavlova with kumquats ingredients
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Kitchen equipment

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  • oven
  • oven tray lined with parchment paper
  • stand mixer
  • paper towel & a few drops of lemon juice
  • small saucepan
  • cutting board & small knife

Mini Pavlova With Kumquats

1 hours 10 minutes 6 people Desserts

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Preparation – 40 minutes

Preheat the oven to 110 degrees celsius or 230 degrees fahrenheit. Line an oven tray with parchment paper.

Degrease the bowl and whisk of your stand mixer. The easiest way to this is using a few drops of lemon juice and a paper towel. Add the egg whites to the bowl and beat until soft peaks form.

Gradually add 400 grams of sugar and beat until the egg whites are firm and glossy. Add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of cornstarch.

Divide the egg whites into 6 heaps on the baking paper, make sure they aren't too thin. Bake them in the preheated oven for about half an hour.

Time depends on your oven, the pavlova is done when the outside is crunchy but the inside is still soft. In principle, it is, therefore, a meringue with a soft inside.

Roughly chop the pistachios and set them aside.

Mini pavlova with kumquats
Mini pavlova with kumquats

Finishing the mini pavlova with kumquats – 30 minutes

Meanwhile, heat 100 ml of water along with 100 grams of sugar in a small saucepan. Meanwhile, rinse the kumquats and cut them into pieces.

Add the kumquats to the sugar water and let them become syrupy over low heat for about half an hour.

 serve the pavlova with the kumquats and some of the syrup and finish with pistachios. Enjoy!

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