Mozzarella grilled beef sandwich
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Mozzarella grilled beef sandwich

Very easy to make mozzarella grilled beef sandwich makes an awesome lunch! It's ready in just about 5 minutes!

5 minutes
1 persoon
Mozzarella grilled beef sandwich ingredients

Recipe mozzarella grilled beef sandwich


1 persoon
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2015-03-24, this recipe is for 1 persoon persons and takes 5 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
Time cooking
5 minutes
Total time
5 minutes

Making the mozzarella grilled beef sandwich – 5 minutes

Slice grilled beef and mozzarella into the desired thickness. Arrange them beautifully on the sandwich. Chop the pistachio, but not to finely cause you to want to taste them still.

Sprinkle the chopped pistachio on top, season with pepper and salt and finish it off with some cress. You can use any kind of cress you like.

Mozzarella grilled beef sandwich
Mozzarella grilled beef sandwich

Growing your own cress right at home!

Did you know it is really easy to grow your cress? The one in the ingredients picture is grown out of plain old mustard seeds!

Just add them on a small grid en add water until the seeds touch the water. Adding the seeds directly to the water, not using a small grid, will 'drown' them so they won't grow.

Add some new water daily; before you know it, you've grown your cress!

You can check out more lunch recipes by clicking this link: lunch recipes.

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