Noodle and edamame salad
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Noodle and edamame salad

Easy and fast noodle and edamame salad with a small amount of spice. Lovely as a side dish or as a vegetarian lunch. Ready in 20 minutes.

20 minutes
4 persons
Noodle and edamame salad ingredients

Recipe noodle and edamame salad


4 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2017-02-26, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 20 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
15 minutes
Time cooking
5 minutes
Total time
20 minutes

Preparation – 15 minutes

Fill the medium-sized pan with water and bring to a boil. Skin the carrot and coarsely grate it. Cook the edamame al dentΓ© in about 5 minutes. Boil water in the kettle, then pour it over the rice noodles in the medium-sized bowl.

Cover with cling film to let the noodles steam for about 10 minutes. Slice the spring onions into thin rings, set aside.  

Noodle and edamame salad
Noodle and edamame salad

Finishing up the noodle and edamame salad – 5 minutes

Drain the rice noodles and edamame, then mix together with the spring onion and grated carrot. Prepare a simple dressing using honey, rice wine vinegar, sambal and sesame seed oil.

Mix the dressing through the salad, enjoy!

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