
Redcurrant Eton Mess


An even simpler version of the classic English Eton Mess. Decadently delicious, with sweet crumbled meringues, whipped cream and tart berries.

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Redcurrant Eton Mess
Veronique van Ohmydish

Made by Véronique

Published at 2023-07-21, this recipe is for 4 people and takes 10 minutes.

Founder of Ohmydish (established 2014). Would happily spend her entire day in the kitchen. Previously worked in the hospitality industry as an independent chef and is ready and willing to help you gain confidence in the kitchen. With her easy-to-follow recipes, helpful tips, and cooking knowledge, you will be making the very tastiest dishes yourself in no time! Véronique's recipes are intended for everyone, from beginners to advanced home cooks.

Updated at: 25-05-2024

10 minutes 4 people Desserts
Redcurrant Eton Mess


(✓ Tip: click to check off)

  • 200 ml whipping cream
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 150 grams redcurrants
  • handful of meringues
Redcurrant Eton Mess ingredients
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Kitchen equipment

(✓ Tip: click to check off)

  • electric hand mixer or bowl and whisk
  • spoon
  • 4 glasses

Redcurrant Eton Mess

10 minutes 4 people Desserts

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Preparation – 5 minutes

Beat the cream with 2 tablespoons of sugar until it is stiff, making sure that it is not too stiff.

Wash the redcurrants and remove the stalks.

Redcurrant Eton Mess
Redcurrant Eton Mess

Finishing the redcurrant eton mess – 5 minutes

Crumble the meringues and create layers of whipped cream, meringues and redcurrants.

Serve immediately otherwise the meringues will become soft. Enjoy! 

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Redcurrant Eton Mess: frequently asked questions

Can I make Eton Mess in advance?

You can whip the cream in advance, but the dish tastes best if you assemble the Eton Mess just before serving.

Could I use other fruit?

A classic Eton Mess is made with strawberries, but you can use all sorts of other fruit such as blackberries, raspberries, blueberries or even mango.