Rum, lime and brown sugar cocktail
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Rum, lime and brown sugar cocktail

This rum, lime and brown sugar cocktail is quick and easy to make. It's a sweet cocktail, but the lime gives it a refreshing lift. It's ready in 5 minutes, and makes two drinks.

5 minutes
2 persons
Rum, lime and brown sugar cocktail ingredients

Recipe rum, lime and brown sugar cocktail


2 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2015-03-19, this recipe is for 2 persons persons and takes 5 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-12-21

Let's get started
Preparation time
5 minutes
Time cooking
Total time
5 minutes

About the cocktail

We thought it would be a nice idea to start sharing recipes for some cocktails and drinks. We're starting with this cocktail which we created from ingredients we had to hand in the kitchen.

This cocktail is very easy to make, and ready in under 5 minutes. Perhaps you can come up with a good name for it? We're really happy with how the cocktail turned out, so we want to share it with you!

Rum, lime and brown sugar cocktail
Rum, lime and brown sugar cocktail

Making the rum, lime and brown sugar cocktail – 5 minutes

You don't have to do much more than combine all the ingredients together in a bowl. Squeeze the juice of 1 lime into a bowl, then add a tablespoon of brown sugar (or a little more if you like your cocktails sweet), then mix well.

You will notice that the sugar does not completely dissolve; this is fine! As can be seen in the photos, we used 2 whisky glasses. Add 4 or 5 ice cubes per glass and pour in about a third of the glass's worth of rum.

Next, add half of the lime and brown sugar mixture to each glass, and top up with sparkling water. Stir well, and enjoy this delicious cocktail!

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11 ratings
4 comments on "Rum, lime and brown sugar cocktail"
Rs says on 2015-07-27
I do something similar, but when you're using a nice rum I hate to dilute it down with too much water, so I just use fresh squeezed lemon or lime, and maybe 1/2 or 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, mix that until mostly dissolved, add 1.5-2oz of high quality gold or aged rum, several ice cubes, and shake a long time then strain into a cocktail glass. The flavors are more concentrated and I love that it highlights the unique flavors of rum so much.
Ohmydish says on 2015-07-28
Since we just used regular rum, we liked it with the sparkling water. We agree on the good rum though!
Rob says on 2019-05-29
Molasses dissolves more thoroughly than brown sugar and has more flavor.
Ohmydish says on 2019-05-29
The flavor would be totally different and the brown caster sugar dissolves perfectly fine! :)

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