White chocolate avocado mousse
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White chocolate avocado mousse

Avocado contains 'healthy fats', they are smooth and creamy. Perfect for a soft white chocolate avocado mousse. Ready in 15 minutes, very easy!

15 minutes
4 persons

Recipe white chocolate avocado mousse


4 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2016-05-30, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 15 minutes.

Updated at: 2025-02-24

Let's get started
Preparation time
5 minutes
Time cooking
10 minutes
Total time
15 minutes

Preparation – 5 minutes

Fill the medium-sized pan with a small layer of water and place the bowl on top. Add pieces of white chocolate to the bowl. Make sure the water doesn't touch the bowl, the steam will slowly melt the chocolate inside of the bowl.

Remove the bowl from the medium-sized pan and let the melted chocolate cool off a bit.  

White chocolate avocado mousse
White chocolate avocado mousse

Finishing the white chocolate avocado mousse – 10 minutes + waiting time

Whip up the cream, you don't want it to be too firm, about the thickness of yoghurt. Use an immersion blender to create an avocado puree and add the lemon juice to the avocado puree to prevent it from discolouring.

Combine whipped cream, melted white chocolate, and pureed avocado until smooth. This is done best using the silicone spatula.  whip up the egg white until it forms stiff peaks.

Carefully fold in the fluffy egg whites and add the agave syrup. Cover with cling film and refrigerate at least an hour, until the mousse is firm enough.

Garnish with fresh strawberries and/or pieces of almond cookies. Enjoy!

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2 comments on "White chocolate avocado mousse"
Mary from salem says on 2021-11-19
I’d like to make this but am concerned about the raw egg white. I know a well beaten egg white can add volume, lightness and firmness. Would it be ok to omit? Or any gluten free substitutions that you’d recommend?
Ohmydish says on 2021-11-30
Hi Mary, so sorry for the delay, totally missed your comment! If you're concerned about raw egg white, you can buy pasteurized egg white. It's mostly sold in bottles or cartons. It's possible to omit the egg white, but it wouldn't be a fluffy and light mousse. They say you can substitute egg whites with aquafaba, the water of chickpeas. I haven't used this myself, but I have seen great results with that. With love, Véronique

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