
Tag: sugar

This page shows recipes, articles, pages and blogs that are tagged with: sugar

Dutch goat's feet biscuits (bokkenpootjes)

50 minutes 8 people

This popular Dutch biscuit is a familiar favourite to many in the Netherlands, and the homemade version is the tastiest! Almond, chocolate, custard and a crunch! What more could you want?

Grilled rhubarb carre d'ambre sandwich

1 hours 10 minutes 4 people

Craving something special for lunch? Combine rhubarb and cheese in a grilled rhubarb carre d'ambre sandwich and you will be amazed! 

Cherry tomato focaccia

40 minutes 4 people

Italian bread has so much flavors, while eating cherry tomato focaccia you could easily image yourself being in Italy. Recipe for 1 loaf.

Green tea matcha mousse pie

1 hours 5 minutes 8 people

3 layers of fluffy goodness with this green tea matcha mousse pie. You can also serve the mousse without the other layers, surprise everyone!

Classic bavarois

1 hours 10 minutes 8 people

A classic bavarois with vanilla flavor is a light pudding, usually served in a large glass bowl. Recipe for one liter or 8 people.

Homemade pitta bread

45 minutes 6 people

Making your own pitta bread is simple, cheap and gives that little extra flourish to your dish. Pittas are great to fill, or to serve with your favourite Greek dishes.

Chocolate thumbprint cookies

25 minutes 12 people

You won't believe how easy these chocolate thumbprint cookies are to make. Perfect to enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee. Recipe makes 12.

Pork chops with bacon and caramelised onions

20 minutes 4 people

These pork chops with bacon and caramelised onions make a delicious weekday meal. Ready in 20 minutes, recipe for 4 people.

Homemade naan bread

25 minutes 10 people

Making your own naan bread, to serve with your favourite curries, is really satisfying. The bread smells great, is wonderfully soft and full of flavour. You can make naan bread in a frying pan, or in the oven.

Caramel ice cream

25 minutes 6 people

Silky smooth and delicious caramel ice cream. The perfect easy recipe with only a few ingredients, made with an ice cream maker.

Homemade brioche

2 hours 20 minutes 4 people

Looking for a great recipe for a homemade brioche? These delicious brioche rolls are ready in 2 hours and 20 minutes, and serve 4 people. Perfect for a continental breakfast or brunch.

Honey and mustard glazed ham

1 hours 25 minutes 4 people

Fill your home with the mouth-watering aromas of this honey and mustard glazed ham. Ready in an hour and a half, this recipe serves 4 people.

Lemon curd

20 minutes 4 people

This smooth, zesty lemon curd is a simple homemade treat. and easy home-made lemon curd. Divine dolloped on a scone, or used as a filling in desserts. Ready in around 20 minutes.

Rum, lime and brown sugar cocktail

5 minutes 2 people

This rum, lime and brown sugar cocktail is quick and easy to make. It's a sweet cocktail, but the lime gives it a refreshing lift. It's ready in 5 minutes, and makes two drinks.

Avocado ice cream

25 minutes 2 people

This amazing soft-serve avocado ice cream is so quick to prepare, and you don't need an ice cream machine! Ready in 25 minutes, this recipe is for 2 people.