Homemade naan bread
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Homemade naan bread

Making your own naan bread, to serve with your favourite curries, is really satisfying. The bread smells great, is wonderfully soft and full of flavour. You can make naan bread in a frying pan, or in the oven.

25 minutes
10 persons
Homemade naan bread ingredients

Recipe homemade naan bread


10 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2015-04-10, this recipe is for 10 persons and takes 25 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
15 minutes
Time cooking
10 minutes
Total time
25 minutes

Preparation  15 minutes + waiting time

Combine 120 ml of lukewarm water with 5 g of yeast and a tablespoon of sugar. Mix well and wait for the mixture to foam; this will take about 5 to 10 minutes.

Add flour and salt to the bowl of your stand mixer, or to your work surface if kneading by hand.

Carefully pour the yeast mixture into the flour while the mixer is running on medium-high speed. Add the milk and yoghurt and keep mixing until a smooth dough is formed.

Form the dough into a ball and cover with a warm, slightly damp tea towel. Let the dough rise for around an hour, or until doubled in size.

Homemade naan bread
Homemade naan bread

Making the naan bread 10 minutes

Divide the dough into 8 portions. Knead each dough ball, again, briefly then roll with the rolling pin to form a flat disc. Not too thin, but not too thick either.

Heat a frying pan until very hot; it's best to use a cast iron pan for this. Brush a little oil on each side of the dough discs.

Fry the breads for around 2 to 3 minutes on each side.

Immediately spread them with a little butter, while still warm. Serve your naan bread with your favourite curry. Enjoy!


Can I add more flavour to my naan bread?

You could add garlic, cumin, sesame seeds or coriander seeds to the dough to give your bread extra flavour.

Can I bake naan bread in the oven?

It is possible to bake the bread in the oven. It is still necessary to brush oil on both sides of the dough first.

Bake the naans for around 5 minutes in an oven set to 230 degrees Celsius. Don't bake them for too long, as the inside should still be a little soft.

Can I freeze naan bread?

Naan bread freezes well. Once defrosted, sprinkle it lightly with water and bake it briefly in the oven. You will be surprised how tasty it will be, just as if freshly baked.

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4 comments on "Homemade naan bread"
Elizabeth @ Bowl of Delicious! says on 2015-04-12
I've always wanted to try making my own naan! We use it all the time as a pizza crust (there goes the pizza obsession again) :-) Can't wait to try it- thanks for the recipe!
Ohmydish says on 2015-04-12
We've never used naan bread as a pizza crust before, we might just try that out one day!
Maltajoe says on 2015-05-06
In the Naan bread recipe it calls for 3dl of warm water what measure is dl? not familiar with this measurement can you please help me understand, and maybe you can E-Mail me a metric conversion table Thank you very much. God Bless Maltajoe
Ohmydish says on 2015-05-06
Hi Maltajoe, we've put up a conversion and measurement chart right here: https://ohmydish.com/measurement-and-conversion-chart/ You can find the conversion from dl to cups in the "converting metric to imperial" section.

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