Tuna niçoise salad
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Tuna niçoise salad

A salade niçoise is a delicious French salad with tuna, green beans, red potatoes, tomatoes and egg. This recipe serves up to four people.

40 minutes
4 persons
Tuna niçoise salad ingredients

Recipe tuna niçoise salad


4 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2014-11-06, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 40 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
30 minutes
Total time
40 minutes

Preparation – 10 minutes

Fill 2 medium saucepans with water and bring to a boil. Cut the red potatoes into slices, add them to one of the saucepans and cook for around 5 minutes.

The exact cooking time depends on the thickness of the slices. Drain the potatoes and leave to cool. Blanch the green beans in the other saucepan. Drain the green beans using a colander, pat dry and set aside.

Fill the small saucepan with water, add the eggs and boil them for around 7 minutes. After boiling, place the eggs directly under cold, running water to stop the cooking process and to aid peeling.

Slice the red onions into rings and halve the cherry tomatoes and black olives. Add 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard to a bowl and season with salt and pepper and a splash of white wine vinegar. Whisk until smooth, then add about 60 ml of olive oil.

Tuna Niçoise salad
Tuna Niçoise salad

Finishing the tuna Niçoise salad – 30 minutes

Cut the tuna steaks into 4 pieces and season with salt and pepper. Spread the tuna with olive oil and sear for 30 seconds on each side in a griddle pan. Aim for an attractive grill pattern.

Add the mixed salad leaves to a bowl or deep plate, and season with salt and pepper. Add the cooked red potatoes, halved tomatoes, olives, halved green beans and red onion rings.

Mix together and top with a tuna steak. Cut the eggs into wedges and add them to the side of the bowl/plate. Drizzle the mustard dressing over the salad. Bon appetit!


Where does salade Niçoise come from?

The classic salade Niçoise originates in Nice, a city in the south of France.

When is salade Niçoise traditionally served?

Salade Niçoise is a quintessential starter in Provençal and Mediterranean cuisine. The salad can also be eaten as a meal in itself, served with bread, for example.

Are there anchovies in a salade Niçoise?

There are many variants of the salade niçoise, for example, anchovies were historically used instead of tuna. Tuna was a costly ingredient which was only eaten on very special occasions.

The salad is sometimes made with fresh tuna, and sometimes with canned tuna. The potato and green beans were first included by Auguste Escoffier.

Another variation is the inclusion of small purple artichokes and/or discs of radish.

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2 comments on "Tuna niçoise salad"
Rebecca - foodflav says on 2014-11-18
You have brought us awesome delicious Tuna Salad. I am in love with the fall flavors in this salaad. Pinning!
Ohmydish says on 2014-11-18
Glad you enjoyed this tuna salad, thank you for pinning!

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