5 Irresistible oriental recipes
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5 Irresistible oriental recipes

Combines 5 oriental recipes into one big meal you can share with family and friends. Green beans, lumpia, satay, rice rolls and pork tenderloin.

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Véronique Pouw

Written by Véronique

Published at 2015-05-04.

Updated at: 2016-04-12

5 Irresistible oriental recipes
We're launching a new type of recipe page, right here at ohmydish.com. We are going to start with an oriental recipes page! If you're wondering what the big difference is between these themed pages and regular recipe pages, it's that normally we would publish a recipe containing the entire walk-through of 1 dish. If you combine multiple dishes within the same theme together, you'll end up with a big and awesome meal. This is great for those of you who aren't sure what kind of recipes will go well with another one. These kinds of big recipes are great for sharing with family and friends. So, let's get started! You can click on each image to read each recipe. Enjoy these 5 irresistible oriental recipes:

1. Oriental green beans recipe

Simple and amazing side dish. These oriental green beans are ready in about 15 minutes, so much flavor for so little time! Oriental green beans Oriental green beans

2. Basic lumpia recipe

Easy and cheap lumpia recipe, filled with minced meat, carrots and more. Ready in about half an hour and served as a snack or side dish. Lumpia Lumpia

3. Satay sauce

Gorgeous home-made satay sauce you can whip up in 10 minutes. You'll need this for the next recipe. Satay sauce Satay sauce

4. Grilled pork tenderloin satay

Marinated in soy sauce, red pepper and honey gives this grilled pork tenderloin satay lots of flavors and it makes a great weekday meal! Grilled pork tenderloin satay Grilled pork tenderloin satay

5. Vegetarian rice paper rolls

Crunchy and light rice paper rolls, filled with fresh vegetables and served with a soy dipping sauce. Full of flavors and gorgeous to look at! Vegetarian rice paper rolls Vegetarian rice paper rolls Well, there you have it! 5 amazing oriental dishes that combine very well. You can of course decide whether you're going to make all of these recipes, or just a few of them. We made them all at once, and it was so amazing! Lot's of delicious food, which can easily serve up to four people. As an extra, we added some prawn crackers and plain white rice too. It would be super awesome if you guys would let us know what you thought of these recipes, by using the comment form on this page. Enjoy your meal!

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6 comments on "5 Irresistible oriental recipes"
Ohmydish says on 2015-05-13
Thank you! Too bad you're not a fan of green beans, you can cook them in so many different ways. We love green beans!
A_boleyn says on 2015-05-13
Other than the green beans (I'm not a fan), the other dishes look great. I've yet to make or try lumpia.
Ohmydish says on 2015-05-06
Thanks, great to hear you like the overview page! We're definitely going to make some more in the future :)
Cyndi - my kitchen craze says on 2015-05-06
What a great idea! An oriental recipe page. I am drooling over those oriental green beans. Yum!! Can't wait to see more yummy recipes! :)
Ohmydish says on 2015-05-05
Hi Paul, we certainly will keep publishing more and more recipes!
Paul cranen says on 2015-05-05
Keep on going!!!

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