Bavette skewer from the grill
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Bavette skewer from the grill

A bavette skewer grilled on your barbecue is even more delicious with a great marinade. You can’t go wrong with black pepper, steak and onion.

45 minutes
8 persons
Bavette skewer from the grill ingredients

Recipe bavette skewer from the grill


8 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2020-09-21, this recipe is for 8 persons persons and takes 45 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
30 minutes
Time cooking
15 minutes
Total time
45 minutes

Preparation – 30 minutes

Wash the zucchini, slice it in half horizontally, then cut the two parts once again across the full length. Now you can easily slice them into bite-sized pieces. Peel the onion and cut half of the onion into large chunks to match the zucchini.

Mix the zucchini and onion with turmeric, garlic powder, honey, and soy sauce. Put it aside to marinate for at least half an hour.

Crush the peppercorns a little – you don’t need to pulverize them. Cut the bavette or steak into pieces that fit onto the skewer along with the vegetables. Season the meat with the crushed peppercorns and a little bit of salt, depending on taste.

Bavette skewer from the grill
Bavette skewer from the grill

Finish bavette skewer on the barbeque – 15 minutes

Take a skewer and start to layer the kebab: first, a piece of meat, followed by some onion and zucchini, then repeat this two more times.

Grill the skewers on the barbecue for a couple of minutes on each side. Make sure the steak doesn’t cook beyond medium/rare, you don’t want to overcook it!

Serve immediately with jacket potatoes and a red beet salad, for example. Enjoy!

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