Chocolate pie with marzipan mousse
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Chocolate pie with marzipan mousse

This sweet chocolate pie with marzipan mousse is perfect for Thanksgiving or the holidays. Recipe for 12, ready in 1 hour and 15 minutes.

1 hours 15 minutes
12 persons
Chocolate pie with marzipan mousse ingredients

Recipe chocolate pie with marzipan mousse


12 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2016-11-24, this recipe is for 12 persons persons and takes 1 hours 15 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
40 minutes
Time cooking
35 minutes
Total time
1 hours 15 minutes

Making a chocolate cake – 40 minutes

Start by making the chocolate cake. Whisk 110 gram butter and 150 gram sugar until fluffy, this should take only a few minutes. Pre-heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees celsius or 355 degrees fahrenheit.

Grease the spring form with some butter. Sieve the self-rising flour and cocoa powder into a large bowl. Add in a pinch of salt. Add the eggs 1 by 1 into the fluffy butter mixture.

Add in the flour mixture while whisking, until a smooth batter has formed. Divide the batter over the spring form. The cake will be quite thin, bake the cake for 30 minutes.

Check if the chocolate cake is done using a wooden skewer. The cake is done when the skewer stays clean. Remove from the oven and let cool off on a cooling rack.

Making the marzipan mousse – 15 minutes

Soak the gelatine leaves in cold water. Heat up 50 ml of the heavy cream in a small saucepan. Squeeze water from the gelatine leaves then dissolve them in the warmed heavy cream.

Stir until smooth using a whisk and set aside. Beat the eggs and 50 gram sugar fluffy. It will only take a few minutes for the egg yolks to become white and fluffy.

Beat the remaining 300 ml heavy cream lobed, about the same thickness as yogurt. Mix the lobed heavy cream together with the gelatine cream, marzipan liqueur and egg whites until a smooth mixture.

De-grease the bowl of the electric mixer, the easiest way to do this is by using a few drops of lemon juice and a sheet of paper kitchen towel. Beat the egg whites until stiff.

Fold them through the creamy mixture. Place the marzipan mousse into the refrigerator for at least one hour.  

Chocolate pie with marzipan
Chocolate pie with marzipan

Finishing up the chocolate pie with marzipan mousse – 20 minutes

Melt the chocolate for the chocolate garnish. Divide the melted chocolate over the plate with cling film very thinly. Place the plate into the freezer to stiffen the chocolate.

Roll the marzipan thinly using a rolling-pin. Prevent it from sticking to the working surface by dividing some powdered sugar over it. Slice the chocolate cake into 2 thin slices.

Divide half of the marzipan mousse over one of the two slices. Place the other slice on top of it and divide the rest of the marzipan mousse over it.

Slice the thinly rolled marzipan into thin strips, decorate the sides of the cake with it. Break the thin chocolate and carefully pierce them into the cake. Enjoy!

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