
Piadina With Tomato And Grilled Eggplant


This delicious piadina with tomato and grilled eggplant is a simple, lukewarm Italian lunch, filled with ham, pesto and more

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Piadina with tomato and grilled eggplant
Veronique van Ohmydish

Made by Véronique

Published at 2020-09-14, this recipe is for 4 people and takes 30 minutes.

Founder of Ohmydish (established 2014). Would happily spend her entire day in the kitchen. Previously worked in the hospitality industry as an independent chef and is ready and willing to help you gain confidence in the kitchen. With her easy-to-follow recipes, helpful tips, and cooking knowledge, you will be making the very tastiest dishes yourself in no time! Véronique's recipes are intended for everyone, from beginners to advanced home cooks.

Updated at: 06-04-2021

30 minutes 4 people Lunch
Piadina with tomato and grilled eggplant


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  • 4 piadinas, Italian flatbread
  • 2 small or 1 large (white) eggplant
  • 6 tomatoes
  • 8 slices of raw ham
  • A large handful of mixed salad greens – e.g., rocket or lamb’s lettuce
  • 4 tablespoons of red pesto
  • Olive oil
  • Pepper and salt
Piadina with tomato and grilled eggplant ingredients
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Kitchen equipment

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  • Cutting board & chef’s knife
  • Grill pan
  • Tongs
  • Large plate
  • Salad spinner (optional)
  • Large oven dish
  • Spatula

Piadina With Tomato And Grilled Eggplant

30 minutes 4 people Lunch

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Preparations – 20 minutes

Many supermarkets or speciality stores sell piandinas nowadays. If you cannot find them, you can make piadina yourself – there are no complicated ingredients.

Wash the eggplant and cut it into medium slices – make sure you do not slice them too thick or they won’t properly cook. Heat your grill pan at a high temperature and sprinkle olive oil all over the eggplant.

Without crowding the surface of the pan, grill the slices of eggplant until you can see grill marks on both sides. Move the grilled eggplant to a large plate and immediately season it to taste with salt and pepper.  

Wash the salad greens, if needed, and remove any excess water with a salad spinner. Wash the tomatoes, remove the crowns, and cut them into slices.

Piadina with tomato and grilled eggplant
Piadina with tomato and grilled eggplant

Finish the piadina with tomato and grilled eggplant – 10 minutes

Heat a large oven pan on low fire on the stove. Spread a thin layer of red pesto over one half of the piadina. As for the other side of the piadina, coat it with a little bit of olive oil, pepper and salt. Fold the piadina, then put it in the frying pan. Heat the sandwich in the pan for a few minutes on each side.

Repeat this process three more times to prepare the other piadinas, too. Serve immediately and enjoy!

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