Refreshing broad bean soup
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Refreshing broad bean soup

Refreshing broad bean soup is hearty and yet great for those last days of summer because of the lemon. Ready in 20 minutes.

20 minutes
6 persons
Refreshing broad bean soup ingredients

Recipe refreshing broad bean soup


6 persons
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This is what you need

Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2016-09-15, this recipe is for 6 persons persons and takes 20 minutes.

Updated at: 2025-02-08

Let's get started
Preparation time
5 minutes
Time cooking
15 minutes
Total time
20 minutes

Preparation – 5 minutes

Peel and roughly chop the onion and garlic cloves, it doesn't really matter how you cut them cause we're going to blend the soup anyway.  

Refreshing broad bean soup
Refreshing broad bean soup

Finishing the broad bean soup – 15 minutes

Heat up olive oil in a large pan and sauté the onion and garlic for about 2 minutes. Add the (frozen) broad beans and peas and sauté them a few minutes more. Pourin the vegetable stock and bring to a boil.

When the soup has come to a boil you can turn down the heat and let it simmer for 10 minutes, or until the broad beans or fully cooked. Keep some broad beans aside if you like and blend the rest of the soup until smooth.

You can use a (immersion) blender to do this. Season the soup with pepper, salt and juice of half a lemon. Serve the soup over plates or bowls and add a small amount of the whole broad beans and peas.

You could add a small handful of diced cooked ham to make this soup non vegetarian. Garnish the soup with lemon zest and enjoy your meal!

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54 ratings
2 comments on "Refreshing broad bean soup"
Lauren @ mess makes food says on 2016-09-18
Frankly, your site has so many great dishes. This is the nice one too. I'll be back soon and continue to learn many delicious recipes from yours. Thanks again.
Ohmydish says on 2016-09-18
That's so great to hear, thanks a lot! We appreciate it very much when you visit us :)

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