Silky chocolate mousse
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Silky chocolate mousse

We doubt you'll ever have eaten such a super silky chocolate mousse! It's so soft and divine, with a rich chocolate flavour which melts on your tongue. Recipe serves 8 (sometimes).

25 minutes
8 persons
Silky chocolate mousse ingredients

Recipe silky chocolate mousse


8 persons
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Vรฉronique Pouw

Made by Vรฉronique

Published at 2014-12-30, this recipe is for 8 persons persons and takes 25 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
15 minutes
Time cooking
10 minutes
Total time
25 minutes

Making the chocolate mousse โ€“ 15 minutes

Heat 150 ml of water in a saucepan over low heat. Add 75 grams of sugar, and stir gently until the sugar has dissolved. Do not let the water boil. Add 250 grams of finely chopped chocolate.

Combine until smooth with a whisk. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool to room temperature. Meanwhile, whisk the cream until it is as thick as yoghurt.

Mix the cooled chocolate and whipped cream together until you have an even colour, with no streaks visible.

Silky chocolate mousse
Silky chocolate mousse

Finishing the chocolate mousse โ€“ 10 minutes

Beat the egg whites until they have stiff peaks, then gradually add 70 grams of sugar (in thirds). Adding the sugar in batches prevents lumps.

Fold the sugar and egg white mixture gently into the chocolate using a silicone spatula. Add a small splash of liqueur of your choice, to taste. White rum or Grand Marnier are good choices.

Refrigerate the silky chocolate mousse for at least an hour and a half. Enjoy this velvety, Belgian chocolate mousse!

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2 comments on "Silky chocolate mousse"
Claudia @ homemade with love says on 2014-12-31
Wow looks amazing. :) what would you say makes this mousse special?
Ohmydish says on 2015-01-01
I would have to say that this is special because it doesn't require an extensive list of ingredients, yet the flavors are amazing!

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