Vanilla ice cream with strawberries
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Vanilla ice cream with strawberries

Delightful refreshing dessert, home-made vanilla ice cream with strawberries. Taste the difference between home-made and store-bought ice cream.

1 hour
8 persons
Vanilla ice cream with strawberries ingredients

Recipe vanilla ice cream with strawberries


8 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2015-07-10, this recipe is for 8 persons and takes 1 hour.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
20 minutes
Time cooking
40 minutes
Total time
1 hour

Preparing the vanilla ice cream with strawberries– 20 minutes

START by separating egg yolks. You can use the remaining egg whites for something else, like mini meringues. Egg whites will keep in the fridge for up to two days when covered with some cling film.

Freeze it so you can use it for up to 3 months! slice the vanilla pod in half, and use your paring knife to scrape the marrow out. Mix cream, milk and 85 grams of sugar in a small saucepan and add in the vanilla and the empty vanilla pod.

Heat it up, but make sure to not overcook it. Use your stand mixer for this, or if you're going to do it manually– a large clean bowl and a whisk. Add in egg yolks with 85 grams of plain sugar.  

Turn speed up to high and let the machine do it's work until the mixture becomes foamy and white. Remove the vanilla pod from the small saucepan and gently pour in the milk, cream, sugar and vanilla mixture into the stand mixer bowl.

Make sure to keep mixing while you do this, to prevent the egg yolks from solidifying. It also helps to prevent lumps from forming. Pour the mixture back into the small saucepan and turn down the heat to the lowest setting.

Keep stirring with a spatula, to prevent burning. It's best to use a silicone spatula for this, plus it's also easier to clean. You can tell if the mixture is ready by running your (clean) finger over the spatula.

If a clear path shows, it's ready. Let the mixture cool off to nearly room temperature. Cover and put in the refrigerator until completely cooled off.  

Vanilla ice cream with strawberries
Vanilla ice cream with strawberries

Making the vanilla ice - 40 minutes

On to the easiest part of making vanilla ice cream! pour the mixture into the ice cream maker and let run for about 40 minutes, depending on your machine.

When done, remove the ice cream from the ice cream maker and place it into the freezer. Clean your strawberries and remove every stem. Neatly slice each strawberry in halves, quarters or any size you want.

Divide strawberries over 4 bowls, glasses or plates.  put 1 or 2 ice cream scoops on top, enjoy!

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2 comments on "Vanilla ice cream with strawberries"
A_Boleyn says on 2015-07-13
I agree. There's nothing like home made. I made a no churn ice cream dulce de leche recently that was 'to die for'.
Ohmydish says on 2015-07-13
Oeh, we love dulce de leche! We did a blog about it once (for something dutch), and still planning on making one for ohmydish someday :)

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