White asparagus and Serrano ham
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White asparagus and Serrano ham

OMG YES, asparagus season has started. Are you also excited about that? Start the season even better with this white asparagus and Serrano ham recipe.

30 minutes
4 persons
White asparagus and Serrano ham ingredients

Recipe white asparagus and serrano ham


4 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2016-03-27, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 30 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
25 minutes
Time cooking
5 minutes
Total time
30 minutes

Preparation – 25 minutes

Peel the white asparagus. Use your finger to feel if you didn’t miss any little piece, cause the peel will be very stringy. Chop about 1 cm of the bottom and place the asparagus in cold water to prevent them from becoming brown.

You can use the peels for creating a lovely asparagus soup. PLACE the peeled asparagus in a large pan, or use an asparagus pot, and fill with water. ADD butter, 1 teaspoon sugar and salt to it to create flavorful water. Don’t let it come to a boil, let it simmer on medium-low heat for about 15 minutes. They are done when you can slightly bend them.

Meanwhile, you can create a simple dressing by combining sour cream, 1 teaspoon sugar, olive oil, lemon juice and season with pepper and salt. Chop the chives for garnish and set aside.

If needed, you can rinse the spinach leaves.  

White asparagus and serrano ham
White asparagus and serrano ham

Finishing the white asparagus and Serrano ham – 5 minutes

Remove the asparagus and arrange them on the plates. The water is very flavorful now, so you can also use this to create the soup. Divide the serrano ham, spinach leaves and dressing.

Garnish this lovely salad with fresh chives. Enjoy!

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8 comments on "White asparagus and Serrano ham"
Judith | myfoodblog.nl says on 2016-04-29
Looks great, I love the photo!
Ohmydish says on 2016-04-29
Thank you for the lovely compliments Judith! :)
Julie says on 2017-02-11
Oh wow!! I found your site while looking for a drink using rum and lime and found all of these wonderful recipes! My Dad is a Limburger and lots of these recipes remind me of his Mum's cooking. I remember having white asparagus with ham last time I visited Limburg and I had never tasted anything so delicious. Thanks for all of the great recipes
Ohmydish says on 2017-02-11
Hi Julie, that's so nice to hear! White asparagus and ham really is an amazing combination :) Enjoy our recipes (we publish a new one every day!).
Emile says on 2020-04-21
Hey Veronique, Was looking for an asparagus recipe and came across this one. Looks wonderful. Can't wait to try it out this weekend. Do you think this can go well with smoked salmon or gravadlax? On a fun note, the idea of trying asparagus this weekend came after seeing the advertisement on the plus weekly offer book, and then saw your photos ??. Look forward to hear what you think about using gravadlax instead of serrano.
Ohmydish says on 2020-04-21
Hi Emile, thats great to hear, thank you! Yes I think it will be great with (smoked) salmon or gravadlax. I don't know what the plus weekly offer book is, but do you mean you saw my photos on it, or just saw my photos afterwards somewhere else? :) Have a great evening!
Emile says on 2020-04-22
Thanks for your feedback. I meant, I saw in the week anbiedingen from the supermarket PLUS that asparagus was on offer. Then I found your recipe and you photo had zure room from PLUS. Just thought that the coincidence was funny. On a different note, you guys should start a section where we, followers, can also send you guys a copy of the dish we make inspired by your recipes. Cheers.
Ohmydish says on 2020-04-23
Ah yes, that's because we're Dutch and used to live very close to a Plus supermarket. This is our English website, but we also have a Dutch one (ohmydish.nl) and a French one (ohmydish.fr) because we live in France now. Mostly people send a picture on what they've made on Instagram or Pinterest, or sometimes Facebook. Enjoy the asparagus this weekend, hope you'll like it. Have a great day!

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