Skin baked salmon with scallions and lime
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Skin baked salmon with scallions and lime

Ready for spring? Looking for a great dish for your Easter dinner? Search no longer! Skin baked salmon with scallions and lime is very refreshing and light.

20 minutes
2 persons
Skin baked salmon with scallions and lime ingredients

Recipe skin baked salmon with scallions and lime


2 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2016-03-07, this recipe is for 2 persons persons and takes 20 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
10 minutes
Total time
20 minutes

Preparation – 10 minutes

Chop the zucchini in cubes, not too large. Remove the outer part of the scallions and cut off the root. Rinse the scallion, make sure there's no sand stuck between the leaves.

Slice the scallions into large pieces. Cut half of the lime into slices and set aside.  

Skin baked salmon with scallions and lime
Skin baked salmon with scallions and lime

Finishing the skin baked salmon with scallions and lime – 10 minutes

Heat olive oil in a medium-sized skillet and pat the salmon filets dry with a paper towel. Bake the salmon on the skin side for about 3 to 4 minutes, until the skin is golden brown and crispy.  

Simply place the salmon fillet in the skillet without moving or stirring it. This prevents the salmon fillet from falling apart while baking. Meanwhile, heat olive oil in the second medium-sized skillet and cook the zucchini cubes for a few minutes on high heat.

They should still have a bite to them. Season with pepper and salt. Flip the salmon filets and bake about 2 minutes more on the other side, squeeze juice of half a lime over the salmon and season with pepper and salt.

Remove the zucchini from the skillet and add the chopped scallions. Toss them around for 1 to 2 minutes. Place the baked salmon on a plate, divide some zucchini cubes and baked scallions over the salmon and garnish with slices of lime and fresh dill.

Goes great with any kind of potatoes, like our fluffy pommes dauphines.

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4 comments on "Skin baked salmon with scallions and lime"
A_boleyn says on 2016-03-07
I usually bake skin side down and then peel off and discard the soft skin but I DO like it. I've trimmed off and made crispy salmon skin to add to sushi rolls ... tasty. Combining the 2 is something I've got to start doing. :)
Ohmydish says on 2016-03-07
Oh no, the crispy skin is great to eat! But it does sounds as a great idea to add to sushi rolls, have to try it some time :)
Josephine says on 2016-03-08
Just what I needed! Inspiration for Easter! Can't get enough of salmon either :) Love it!
Ohmydish says on 2016-03-08
Thank you for your kind comment, hope your guests will love it with Easter, enjoy! :)

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