Vegetable, bean and sausage soup
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Vegetable, bean and sausage soup

When it's cold outside, all you want is a heartwarming meal. We got the perfect filling and warming meal for you! Vegetable, bean and sausage soup, mmm

45 minutes
8 persons
Vegetable, bean and sausage soup ingredients

Recipe vegetable, bean and sausage soup


8 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2016-01-19, this recipe is for 8 persons persons and takes 45 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
35 minutes
Total time
45 minutes

Preparation – 10 minutes

Start chopping the veggies. Remove the green bell pepper seeds and chop the bell pepper into small pieces. Rinse the celery stalks with cold water and chop them into small pieces.

Peel and finely cut the onion and garlic clove. Set aside in a large bowl. Peel the carrots and chop them into thin slices. Peel the potatoes and set them aside in another bowl, along with the carrots.

Drain liquid from the cans of kidney beans.  

Vegetable bean and sausage soup
Vegetable bean and sausage soup

Cooking the vegetable, bean and sausage soup – 35 minutes

Heat butter in the dutch oven and brown the sausages on all sides. Remove from the pan and keep aside. Add chopped onion, garlic, celery and bell pepper from the first bowl to the hot butter.  

Saute on medium heat for about 3 to 4 minutes, until tender. Add tomato paste and saute a few minutes more. Add kidney beans, canned tomatoes, thyme and pour as much water in the pan until the vegetables are covered with water.

Bring to a boil. Slice the browned sausages into pieces and then add them to the soup along with the carrots and potato pieces from the other bowl. Place the lid on the pan and let it simmer on low heat for about half an hour.

Check if the potato pieces are done, depending on the size of the pieces it can take a little longer. Enjoy immediately with some bread to complete your meal.

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