Babi panggang
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Babi panggang

Home-made babi panggang has a sweet and cruncy outside, soft and flavorful inside. Indonesian dish which is made with pork, superb!

1 hour 45 minutes
4 persons
Babi panggang ingredients

Recipe babi panggang


4 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2016-03-11, this recipe is for 4 persons and takes 1 hour 45 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-08-11

Let's get started
Preparation time
15 minutes
Time cooking
1 hour 30 minutes
Total time
1 hour 45 minutes

Big thanks to our family member paul cranen for letting us try out this amazing recipe for home-made babi panggang! this recipe also goes by the name of "char siu".

Preparation – 15 minutes + 1 (or 2) waiting days (yes, really)

Mix the ingredients in a large bowl using a whisk until nicely blended together. Slice the procureur lengthwise into not too thin chunks. Cut the pieces crosswise about 1 cm thick, keep 1. 5 cm in between.

Place the chunks of meat into the sauce/marinade for at least 1 day. Preferably two days, cover the large bowl with cling film and place the meat in a cold zone of your refrigerator.  

Babi panggang
Babi panggang

Baking the babi panggang – 30 minutes + 1 hour waiting

After a few days, the meat will have absorbed the flavours very well into the meat. Remove the bowl from your refrigerator and let it sit for an hour to bring to room temperature.

Grill the meat using a grill pan or oven + grilling rack. It's also possible to use your bbq for this. Grill for about 20 minutes on high heat. Baste the meat while grilling once or twice with the marinade.

When the meat is almost done about 5 minutes beforehand, coat each side with maltose syrup or sugar syrup and grill both sides for 2. 5 minutes, or until nicely browned.

Be careful when handling, the sugar will be piping hot! you can make your own sugar syrup very easily by dissolving sugar with a ratio of 3 to 1. For example, 3 tablespoons of sugar must be dissolved in 1 tablespoon of water.

Slice pieces of meat into long strips when the meat has been browned nicely. Serve with white rice and cucumber salad, enjoy!

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10 ratings
2 comments on "Babi panggang"
A_Boleyn says on 2016-03-14
The combination of flavours must result in a delicious piece of pork. I'd love to give it a try as my previous attempts at char siu have been disappointing.
Ohmydish says on 2016-03-14
We were so glad our family member Paul gave us a proven recipe for us to try, since he also had trouble getting it as expected. Try it out and let us know what you think :).

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