Baked Camembert en croûte
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Baked Camembert en croûte vegetarian

A puff pastry-wrapped parcel containing a whole, baked Camembert, adorned with dried cranberries and walnuts. What a treat! Recipe for 4 people, ready in 25 minutes.

25 minutes
4 persons
Baked Camembert en croûte ingredients

Recipe baked camembert en croûte


4 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2015-01-13, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 25 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
15 minutes
Total time
25 minutes

Preparing the pastry 10 minutes

Heat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. Line a baking tray with baking parchment. Defrost 3 square sheets of puff pastry. Dust the work surface with some flour.

Roll out the puff pastry sheets and make 1 large sheet by sticking the 3 smaller puff pastry sheets together. Use a silicone brush and an the yolk of 1 egg to do this.

Place the Camembert in the centre of the puff pastry. Mix the walnuts with a handful of dried cranberries.

Cover the top of the camembert with the cranberries and walnuts, then sprinkle over 1 tablespoon of caster sugar.  

Baked Camembert en croûte
Baked Camembert en croûte

Baking the Camembert en croûte 15 minutes

Neatly fold the pastry to encase the Camembert, making a parcel. Use more egg yolk to seal the package if it looks like it doesn't want to stay closed.

Bake the camembert en croûte in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. Enjoy this stylish, delicious cheese parcel with a good glass of red wine. Enjoy your meal!

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6 comments on "Baked Camembert en croûte"
Liz @ floating kitchen says on 2015-01-14
Is it wrong that I want to eat this whole thing myself!'s calling my name!
Ohmydish says on 2015-01-14
Well... we tried exactly that, but it's REALLY filling. Send us a picture when you succeed where we failed, hah!
Thalia @ butter and brioche says on 2015-01-14
Oh god.. melting cheese wrapped in buttery puff pastry is basically my dream. This looks SO delicious and if I was to make the recipe - I definitely would not be sharing!
Ohmydish says on 2015-01-14
We thought the same thing when we saw your stone fruit brioche tartlets earlier. Looks so delicious! Have you shared those ? ;-) says on 2015-01-21
This looks delicious, I've never tried this before but have always wanted to give it a try. I simple love puff pastry and melting cheese, how can you go wrong. :)
Ohmydish says on 2015-01-21
You should try it ! It's cheap, fast and easy to make. Oh, and very delicious

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