Beef kofta
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Beef kofta

Spicy garlic flavors from this middle eastern beef kofta recipe. Serve with plain rice, a salad or potatoes. Recipe for 4 people, ready in 20 minutes.

20 minutes
4 persons
Beef kofta ingredients

Recipe beef kofta


4 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2015-06-21, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 20 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
10 minutes
Total time
20 minutes

Preparing the beef kofta – 10 minutes

Finely chop the red onion and garlic cloves, as fine as you can, or use a grater. Rinse the mint leaves and parsley and finely chop them. Roast the pine nuts in a dry small skillet for a minute.

Be careful they won't turn too dark. Coarsely chop the pine nuts and combine the pine nuts, minced beef, red onion, garlic, mint, parsley and the ground herbs. Season with pepper and salt.  

Divide into 8 equal parts and use your hands to create the desired size. You can use skewers, or roll them into flat little balls or whichever you prefer. You can set them in the fridge for half an hour, this way they will keep their shape during grilling, but that's optional.  

Beef kofta
Beef kofta

Grilling the beef kofta – 10 minutes

Heat the grill pan on high heat. Grease the kofta with a little bit of olive oil. Place them on the hot grill pan and cook them for about 4 minutes on both sides.

Serve with a green salad and plain cooked rice or you can serve it with a delicious couscous salad. In Greece, they usually serve kofte with tzatziki. See below for our Tzatziki recipe: 


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5 ratings
11 comments on "Beef kofta"
Kennedy cole@kcole's creative corner says on 2015-06-22
I love all of those spices in that beef! Looks delicious! I recently made a southern cooking and baking blog. I would greatly appreciate it if you would check it out! Thanks so much!
A_boleyn says on 2015-06-22
They look delicious. I'll have to give them a try one day.
Ohmydish says on 2015-06-22
Thanks! Let us know what you think of it after making it yourself :) We're definitely going to check out your page!
Ohmydish says on 2015-06-22
Thanks, go for it! Another easy recipe :)
Foodfu app says on 2015-06-22
We made this recipe last night with parsley, mint and ground beef from our CSA. It was so flavorful and delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe!!!
Ohmydish says on 2015-06-23
So great to hear you made beef kofta using this recipe!
Gourmet getaways says on 2015-07-02
Oh I love Kofta, these look so delicious! Thanks for sharing :)
Ohmydish says on 2015-07-02
Kofta sure is a delicious meal!
Sam says on 2015-07-16
I loooove beef kofta but have not been able to replicate the kofta I get at this Afghan restaurant nearby. I'll try your recipe next!
Ohmydish says on 2015-07-17
So, how was it on the Afghan kofta hamburger you made?
Sam says on 2015-07-20
Haven't tried it yet. :] That is from my current kofta recipe, which I like, but I want better. More research is needed... Ground beef is on sale this week so I may try your version soon!

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