Chicken souvlaki
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Chicken souvlaki

Chicken souvlaki is a grilled skewer with pieces of chicken that has been marinated in olive oil, lemon juice and oregano.

40 minutes
2 persons
Chicken souvlaki ingredients

Recipe chicken souvlaki


2 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2017-02-24, this recipe is for 2 persons and takes 40 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
25 minutes
Time cooking
15 minutes
Total time
40 minutes

Preparation – 10 minutes + 15 minutes waiting time

Clean the chicken breasts by trimming excess fat. Dice the chicken fillets in 2 cm cubes and place it into the bowl. Squeeze juice from the lemon using a citrus juicer, add to the bowl.

Finely chop the cloves of garlic and add into the bowl along with 3 tablespoons dried oregano. Season with salt and pepper, add 4 tablespoons olive oil and mix everything together.

Place the bowl with the diced chicken into the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes.  

Chicken souvlaki
Chicken souvlaki

Finishing up the chicken souvlaki – 15 minutes

Fetch the bowl with the marinated diced chicken and grab a handful wooden skewers. Pierce at least 4 pieces of chicken on a wooden skewer. Repeat this step until you've used up all of the chicken.

Heat up a griddle pan on maximum heat. Grill the chicken souvlaki on all sides for 8 - 10 minutes, until nicely browned. Repeat this step for the remaining skewers.

SERVE the chicken souvlaki with pita bread, tzatziki, oven-roasted tomatoes and a nice Greek salad, as can be seen on the pictures. Click on the pictures below to see each of the recipes. Enjoy your meal! 

Home-made pitas
Home-made pitas




Greek salad
Greek salad

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1 rating
2 comments on "Chicken souvlaki"
A_Boleyn says on 2017-02-28
Chicken souvlaki is one of my favourite dishes. If possible I cook it on the bbq but in the oven under the broiler is good too. And you need a good tzatziki to serve with the chicken.
Ohmydish says on 2017-02-28
It is so much better on the bbq, but it's typical Dutch weather at the moment (rain, then a bit of sunshine, then even more rain, wind etc) But on the grill they were also very tasty, with tzatziki indeed :)

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